下面为大家整理一篇优秀Critical Film Review代写范文,题目为Cleopatra(1963),文章讲述:对大多数人来说,“埃及艳后”并不是一个新名字。1962年,伊丽莎白泰勒扮演的华纳公司提交的昂贵的《埃及艳后》开始公诸于众,这一形象现在已经打动了整个家族。但我们中很少有人知道她的真名——埃及历史上最著名的女人之一凯里·奥帕特拉;托勒密也是最后一个王朝女王。传说或法律关于早期帝国诗人、历史学家和传记作家的凯里·奥帕特拉。在他们的笔下,埃及艳后的形象是美丽、残酷、奢华、淫荡和雄心勃勃的。
"Cleopatra" is not a fresh name to most people. In 1962, costly "Cleopatra" played byElizabeth Taylor and filed by Warner Company began to meet the public, the image now hasimpressed almostevery family. But few of us know her real name -- Keri O Patra who is one of the most famous women in Egypt's history; Ptolemy is also the last dynastyqueen. Legends or legacyabout the Keri O Patra mostlycome from early Empire poet,historian and biographer. Under their pens, Cleopatra's image is beautiful, cruel, luxury, lascivious and ambitious.
《埃及艳后》,在电影中展现了奢华的美丽景象;在电影中,克里奥帕特拉对皇帝和克里奥派图拉感到遗憾,其中一人已经死亡(周其迪,1991)。我被安东尼·fsstick和克里·奥皮拉托布在他们的生死中所感动。这部电影讲述了克利奥帕特拉·拉登的故事,她从以前的基地开始;她依靠凯撒击败托勒密十三世,并自己登上王位。进入罗马后,她收到了凯撒被暗杀的坏消息,于是她回到埃及,三年后爱上了安东尼,最后安东尼在被奥塔维乌斯打败后自杀,克利奥帕特拉紧随其后。可以说伊丽莎白·泰勒完美地诠释了埃及艳后的美丽传奇(Amir Ludwig,2007)。
"Cleopatra", in the movie shows scenes of luxury beauty; in the movie, Keri O Patra feels sorry to Kaiser and Creole Peituola, one of whom is dead (Zhou Qidi,1991). And I am moved by Anthony fsstick and Kerry Opie Latob in their life and death. The film tells the story of Cleopatra Laden which startsfrom the former base; she relies on Kaiser to beat Ptolemy thirteen and putthe throne on herself. After she enters Rome, she received the bad news that Kaiser was assassinated, so she returned to Egypt and then fell in love with Anthony in three years, and at last Anthony killed himself after being defeated by Octavius, Cleopatra closely follows his death. It can be said that Elizabeth Taylor interprets Cleopatra’s beautiful and legendary lifeperfectly (Amir Ludwig, 2007).
It can be said that the movie is filmed from ordinary audiences’. As for "Cleopatra", it can be conclude by two words: gorgeous and romantic. Review the actual history, no romantic beauty is described in history, which can explain that the movie is written to satisfy the audience, it needs to l strengthen naturallove Atmosphere, so it increased and changed many places, which makes the story more romantic and legendary. But for the historical event itself, I think the political factors and the interests of the state for composition are quite important. In the film, many places are different with the reality of the time, such as Cleo Peto La and Kaiser company, in Egypt, he and an orthodox man - Ptolemy fourteen had visited Rometogether, after Kaiser's death, Cleopatra poisoned her husband. AndCleopatra and Anthony become a couple, I think the description also isn't like scenes in the movies since she did this in the movie is because of love, I think the real reason is interests of the state. Next, I will take this point of the three heroines to further introduction (Andrew Meadows & Jonam Williams, 2001).And through the three heroines, Rome society and its social contradictions will be further discussed.
Kaiser, the legendary color hero character which needs to be mentioned in the history, can be said to be "great", "noble","sacred" pronoun; he wrote the immortal epic in his life, and played a passionate heroic paean. The sixteen-year-old Kaiser lost father, but he gradually rises up without strong support but his courage and ability in Rome politics, and continues to expand their business. In early politics, he was a successive quaestor and inspector, offering secretary and justice and other duties. In 58 BC he served as governor of Gaul, within a few yearshe led the troops to conquer all of Gaul, which makes him famous; since then, he not only obtains great wealth but loyalty and respects, he in Rome's popularity has also greatly improved. The Kaiser’s glorious lifehas just begun. As one of the "top three head alliance" chief Kaiser, in 49 BC and Pompeii fight a decisive battle at Pharsalus, Pompeii defeated, was eventually killed. Kaiser after a few years of hard work, finally put an end to the "top three head alliance" under the situation, set the consuls and dictator in a body, become the military dictator. But Kaiser’s glorious life did not end with a perfect full stop, 44 BC in March 15th, Brutus and Casio et al. assassinated Kaiser, and he was stabbed to death, so a great hero cannot continue to write his glory life.
In the film, the situation how Kaiser was assassinated is descripted in detail. The film shows Kaiser's ambitions expansion and that he thinks nobody can defeat his illustrious military exploits. He is the hero of the country, which should be worshiped by the people of the whole country, even break through thestereotypes, he become the king of the country. Kaiser and Cleo Peto La's strong ambition and autocratic behavioraroused dissatisfaction, the Senate, Kaiser lost their lives. Of course, this is one cause of Kaiser’s death, but in my opinion, this is not the most important reason, I think that the fundamental reason is that Kaiser damages the traditional aristocratic interests because ofRome republic system he ruled.
Kaiser carried out a series of reforms in the society of Rome during his reign period. He reformed the provincial taxation system,expanded the citizens in the provinces authority, obtained the provinces through various measures to make more than 8 millions Veterans and the poor peasants support him, and gave them many privileges. At the same time, he was still in the cultural constructionhas done much useful work. Kaiser meets the need of Rome's national development and adapts to the needs of Rome slave owners. But as mentioned above, he destroys the old aristocratic republic system, damagesthe interests of the traditional aristocratic patriarch and their reality and future interests, and Kaiser became victims of this reform.
However, Kaiser and Cleopatra could not have a happy ending, but Kaiser have made great contribution to construction of the Rome reform and achievement of his empire, he is worthy of praising.
After Kaiser, we come to talk about another male heroine Tony. Although he is "one of the latter three alliances", but I think he is not as successful as kaiser. In my opinion, Anthony is a good general and warrior, but he is not a distinguished politician. In the movie, his character make us feel that he has no ambition and scheming politician, he is moresensible, and people love him mainly because of rights and status. For love, he would rather to leave his hometown -- Egypt; for love, he does not hesitate todivorce his wife and fight with Octavius. Anthony in the movie is the embodiment of love, he gave up rights, honor and even life for love, his love impressed all audiences. At last, he dies, but he won love of the queen (Kraye Jill,1970—1978).
In the movie, Anthony and Cleo Peto La's love deeply moved me, but look at the historical data, I found that the combination of them not only because of love simply; besides love, they choose each other for political purpose.And in the movie, it is not exactly the same, although the political means of Anthony and Kaiser cannot be evaluated in the same way. In fact, Anthony's political ambitions in reality are strong. The intensification of the contradictions of Anthony and Octavius are that he tried to stabilize Rome's Oriental for preparing, for expedition, all this is in urgent need of Egypt in the financial assistance; as for Cleo Peto La, she needed the support of Rome to the maintenance and development of the kingdom of Ptolemy, to strengthen and expand their ruling power. So the combination of two parties is morefor Egypt’s and Rome’s interests and for their political rights. This fact is also reflected in the film since Cleo Peto La immediately run away after she heard that Anthony was killed in the battle against Octavius in the last sea battle.