

发布时间:2020-10-14 16:04:43 阅读:2315


  • 作者:致远教育
  • 导读:本文是一篇优秀Essay代写范文分享,文章内容主要讨论了堕胎的合法化。堕胎合法化在世界范围内一直是一个非常有争议的话题,支持堕胎的人被定义为赞成堕胎,而那些认为堕胎在任何情况下都是非法的人被认为是支持生命的。
  • 字数:2073 字
  • 预计阅读时间:7分钟


本文是一篇优秀Essay代写范文分享,题目为On legalizing Abortion,文章内容主要讨论了堕胎的合法化。堕胎合法化在世界范围内一直是一个非常有争议的话题,支持堕胎的人被定义为赞成堕胎,而那些认为堕胎在任何情况下都是非法的人被认为是支持生命的。


The legalization of abortions has long been a very controversial topic all over the world, and proponents of it are defined as pro-choice, while those who believe that abortions should be illegal in all circumstances are regarded as pro-life. Countries with different cultural, social, political and religious backgrounds may hold different attitudes toward abortions and have made their own corresponding policies or laws, but intense debates between the pro-choice and pro-life sides have never stopped.


As far as I am concerned, one way to solve this problem is to legalize abortions under certain circumstances. However, one of the most important and difficult things is that people should list those circumstances clearly and definitely in the bill to provide better references. I may only provide some of my points of view here, but this question needs careful considerations and discussions. I believe it is legal for women to have abortions in cases of rape and incest, before the second trimester of their pregnancy, if their own lives are greatly threatened, if they cannot afford raising a baby, and if they do not want to have a baby. If women are not able to have abortions legally under all of the circumstances listed above, on the one hand, they may be badly hurt either physiologically or psychologically, on the other hand, those babies cannot be well took care of even if they are born.


The reasons why I support that it is better to settle the dispute by legalizing abortions under certain circumstances are out of the consideration of opinions of the majority, the consideration of adverse effects of complete restrictions on abortions, and the consideration of the horrible influences brought by unrestricted abortions.


First of all, the Gallup Poll, which is conducted every two years, indicates the position that it is legal for women to have abortions under certain circumstances among Americans has stayed dominant from 1975 to 2009, with the lowest percentage of 48 and the highest percentage of 61. However, the percentage of people who support abortions to be legal under any circumstances ranges between 22 and 34. As for those who believe that it is illegal to have abortions in all circumstances, the percentage ranges between 12 and 22 from 1975 to 2009 (Saad).

Before establishing new policies, satisfying the needs of the majority of people is the most important thing. There does not exist a kind of policy that is able to stay in consistence with all the people’s opinions and make all the people satisfied in this world. What we can do is to try our best to take most people’s opinions and attitudes into account. From my point of view, except policies exclusively aimed at helping the minority or a certain small group of people, if a policy only considers the opinions of the minority and ignores those of the majority, it cannot be defined as a scientific and fair policy, and the benefits it brings will be very limited.

Therefore, legalizing abortions under certain circumstances actually accords with the views most people hold and can help settle the dispute to some extent.

Besides, the legalization of abortions under certain circumstances helps avoid bad impacts brought by complete restrictions on abortions. As Gillian Kane argued in Abortion law reform in Latin America: Lessons for Advocacy, “Strict prohibitions do not prevent abortions, but rather force women to terminate their pregnancies under unsafe conditions” (361). That is to say, they may either receive a surgeon performed by uncertified “doctors” lacking professional skills or in a “sub-standard medical environment” (Dzuba 441). Kane also indicated that poor and young women can be badly affected by the penalization of abortion, because being unable to get a safe abortion at a private clinic as middle-and upper-class women do, “poor women must rely on suspect providers or self-administer abortions using traditional medicines and unsafe methods” (362). The prohibition on abortions not only increases crime rate, but also leads to injuries and even death. What’s more, forcing women who do not want to have a baby to become mothers may do great harm to their babies. For example, if they cannot afford to raise children at all, those poor children not only increases their burdens, but also cannot be well took care of and well educated. A baby may even be abandoned if the mother gives birth to the baby reluctantly. Once people decide to have a baby, they are supposed to be responsible for it. If they cannot provide sufficient love and care to their babies both during pregnancies and after babies are born, they should not give birth to their babies, otherwise, they may ruin their children’s lives. Responsibility is one of the most basic qualities any parents should possess, or they have no right to be parents.

What we cannot deny is that the prohibition on abortions has a lot of bad effects, such as the increase of crime rate and the injury and death of women, and innocent babies may even get involved, but at the same time, we cannot ignore those terrible consequences of unrestricted abortions. I did not become aware of them until I watched an Indian TV show called “Satyamev Jayate”, and “Truth Alone Prevails” in English. It is hosted by the famous Indian actor Aamir Khan, and it is aimed at prevailing dark sides of Indian society, and at the same time discussing and providing possible solutions. In one of the episodes, the show focused on the unrestricted abortions in India. As a matter of fact, abortions have been legal in India since 1971. With the traditional and deeply rooted preference of boys to girls, once the genders of their babies are revealed by type-B ultrasonic, a lot of women may face abortions. It is said that their family members and doctors have already made a contract secretly in advance, and once doctors see female babies, they would perform abortions on these women, even without “informing” them. The unrestricted and uninformed abortions not only happen on women from rural areas, but also on well educated women whose husbands are also well educated. A lot of doctors get great profits from doing so, which appeals more doctors to engage in. Without any restrictions on abortions and any protection for women, women are terribly hurt both physiologically and psychologically, and doctors have made themselves greedy and cruel murders. What’s worse, in some rural areas or small villages in India, males totally dominate, most of who can hardly find a partner and have to spend their whole lives alone. Consequently, the rate of rape increases greatly in India these years.

It seems that unrestricted abortions also increase the crime rate, just as the prohibition on abortions does. Some people even try to get high profits from performing abortions.

Based on the consideration of the views of the majority and bad consequences of both prohibition on abortions and unrestricted abortions, I believe the best way to settle the arguments between pro-life and pro-choice is to legalize abortions under certain circumstances. At the same time, we can learn something from some Latin American countries to provide better protection to women. For example, as Gillian Kane stated in Abortion law reform in Latin America: Lessons for Advocacy, in 2007, the Mexico City’s Legislative Assembly passed a bill which not only “proposed decriminalising all abortions up to 12 weeks of gestation, but also “modified Mexico City’s health laws to ensure free abortion services, education about sexual health and rights, and programs to prevent unwanted pregnancies” (368). She also mentioned that “the Mexico City law is striking for its comprehensiveness, and it requires the government to provide family-planning services to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and makes sexual and reproductive health care a government priority” (368).

All in all, I think we should legalize abortions under certain circumstances, with these circumstances clearly defined. Meanwhile, there are another three things that we are supposed to pay attention to. Firstly, we need to increase women’s awareness of protecting themselves from unwanted pregnancies. Secondly, it is also very important for us to improve the technical assistance to abortions, making them safer, because the purpose of both sides---pro-life or pro-choice---is to protect both women and babies. Protect innocent babies’ lives, protect women from injuries, other health consequences and even death, and protect women’s rights. As Gillian Kane said, the final important “area of work is the provision of clear guidelines to ensure that the law is implemented” (371).

Works Cited

Dzuba, Ilana G, et al. “Medical Abortion: A Path to Safe, High-Quality Abortion Care in Latin America and the Caribbean.” The European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care 18.6 (2013): 441-50. Web. 26 Oct. 2015.

Kane, Gillian. “Abortion Law Reform in Latin America: Lessons for Advocacy.” Gender & Development 16.2 (2008): 361-75. Web. 26 Oct. 2015. 

Saad, Lydia. “More Americans “Pro-Life” Than “Pro-Choice” for First Time.” Gallup. Politics, 15 May 2009. Web. 26 Oct. 2015.


