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Argument Essay模版范文解析

发布时间:2021-02-22 10:32:58 阅读:2501


  • 作者:致远教育
  • 导读:很多同学不知道怎么写好ArgumentEssay,作为最为常见的一种留学生Essay作业类型,ArgumentEssay确实有一定的写作难度。
  • 字数:1188 字
  • 预计阅读时间:4分钟


很多同学不知道怎么写好Argument Essay,作为最为常见的一种留学生Essay作业类型,Argument Essay确实有一定的写作难度。为了帮助大家写好Argument Essay,下面为大家分享一篇Argument Essay范文,附带解析,大家可以当成模板来参考学习。

Argument Essay模板


Advertising has increasingly become an integral component of the functioning of modern day society and this is evident throughout the entirety of the globe. (General statements on the topic). It has become so pervasive that it would be surprising not to encounter a form of advertising during the course of a day, regardless of the location. Advertising can be found in many different forms including digital and print, and its purpose is to promote products and services. (Any definitions of terms定义). It is clear that advertising is necessary in the modern world, because it provides product information, stimulates healthy competition, creates wider markets and provides income for the media. (do you agree or disagree with the set essay question? List your 4 points of argument 声明立场,写同意或不同意,列出4个观点)

Body Paragraph #1:100-120字

Firstly, advertising is necessary to provide consumers with information regarding products. (topic sentence/main argument). An advertisement will usually give the consumer a description of the product and its important features, such as why it is of particularly high quality or value. In addition, the consumer can discover the cost of the product and where it can be bought. (Supporting sentences X3, -supporting evidence, example, in-text references). Although it can be argued that this information can be found by visiting shops (反驳一句), nevertheless advertising simplifies lives and enables consumers to discover new products without leaving their own homes. (The opposing/counter argument, this counter point needs to be clearly explained so that the logic behind the position can be refuted.) Thus, advertising is necessary to provide product information to consumers (Concluding sentence to tie your argument to the topic sentence重复立场并且与Topic sentence关联).

Body Paragraph #2: 100-120字

Another reason why advertising is necessary is that it stimulates competition (topic sentence/main argument). Companies must create better products at cheaper prices to encourage consumers to purchase from them. This kind of competition benefits the buyer because prices must be kept low and quality of goods has to be increased in order to compete against other manufacturers. It could be argued that while this situation may help the buyer, manufacturers and their employees are put under unnecessary stress to always reduce costs and improve quality (Supporting sentences X3, -supporting evidence, example, in-text references). However, a world without competition quickly leads to a situation of poor-quality goods and a lack of service as evidenced in most countries that have experienced a centrally controlled economic approach (The opposing/counter argument, this counter point needs to be clearly explained so that the logic behind the position can be refuted反驳一句). In summary, advertising stimulates competition in order to continually improve the quality of products and services and resultant costs and this is why advertising is necessary (Concluding sentence to tie your argument to the topic sentence重复立场并且与Topic sentence关联).

Body paragraph #3: 100-120字

A further significant reason why advertising is necessary, which cannot be denied, is that advertising provides wider markets for products (topic sentence/main argument). Manufacturers need to inform consumers of their products. Without advertising, people would only be aware of local products and those goods, which are used or spoken about by friends. Advertising can mean global contact and global markets. An example of this is advertising on the Internet, where information about a product made locally in a small town in Indonesia can reach all parts of the world (Supporting sentences X3, -supporting evidence, example, in-text references). Some research, however, suggests that this desire for greater markets, globalization and export income has led to a situation where poorer people are no longer able to afford staples such as rice or flour (反驳一句). This is, however, a small problem that can be rectified on a country by country basis as the need arises (The opposing/counter argument, this counter point needs to be clearly explained so that the logic behind the position can be refuted). Therefore, advertising is necessary because it enables products to be available to a wider range of markets. (Concluding sentence to tie your argument to the topic sentence重复立场并且与Topic sentence关联).

Body paragraph #4:100-120字

Lastly advertising is necessary because it also provides income for the media (topic sentence/main argument). It achieves this by providing employment, because it involves paying for time, space and production of images. Furthermore, it provides money for companies which advertise. This can be illustrated by radio and television companies who use the money from advertising to create new programs. Others argue that the media should charge more for its product and fund its own programs rather than compromise its editorial integrity, resulting in biased material. (Supporting sentences X3, -supporting evidence, example, in-text references) Yet in today’s society consumers have become accustomed to receiving news at no cost, (反驳) consequently it is essential that advertising levels remain so that the quality of the media remains. (The opposing/counter argument, this counter point needs to be clearly explained so that the logic behind the position can be refuted) Hence, advertising provides invaluable sources of income for the media and this is why it is necessary (Concluding sentence to tie your argument to the topic sentence重复立场并且与Topic sentence关联).

Concluding paragraph:80-120字

In conclusion, it is clear that advertising is necessary. (重复立场) Advertising is necessary because it provides product information for consumers whilst at the same time creating competition between manufacturers. In addition, advertising helps to provide wider markets for products and this is advantageous for both consumers and manufacturers. (重申前面四个观点). For manufacturers, advertising is helping to create jobs for employees and profits for employers and simultaneously, consumers with product choice. Without advertising, a monopolistic marketplace may ensue and this may lead to a decrease in product quality. This is not a situation that is beneficial for either consumers or manufacturers. Thus for all these reasons, it is evident that advertising is necessary. (the final statement that answers the question最后总结陈述)

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