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Essay代写范文-The Apostle Paul

发布时间:2021-04-13 14:45:09 阅读:1485


  • 作者:致远教育
  • 导读:本文是一篇宗教essay代写范文,本文主要以使徒保罗为研究对象,详细阐述他的生平资料、传教工作、他对神学和教会的重要贡献以及对他“皈依”的看法。
  • 字数:1411 字
  • 预计阅读时间:4分钟


本文是一篇宗教essay代写范文,题目为:Biography of The Apostle Paul,本文主要以使徒保罗为研究对象,详细阐述他的生平资料、传教工作、他对神学和教会的重要贡献以及对他“皈依”的看法。

Apostle Paul

Biography of The Apostle Paul


It is known to us that different people will have different ideas toward a certain person and they tend to have their own opinions toward the same person due to their different life experiences. There is no doubt that their opinions can all make sense as long as they can propose their own supportive ideas. The Apostle Paul is a well-known leaders of the first generation of Christians and he is even regarded as the most significant person after Jesus over the Christianity history, suggesting that The Apostle Paul is one that deserves exploring. Therefore the following would like to research The Apostle Paul, during which his biographical information, his missionary work, his significant contributions to theology and the church as well as an opinion on his “conversion” will all be elaborated on.


Biography of The Apostle Paul

First and foremost, the biographical information of The Apostle Paul will be illustrated. The Apostle Paul, is born as a Roman citizen in Tarsus to Jewish parents (Janet Meyer Everts. 2020). Being a Roman citizen allows him to own the privileged status so that he has rights which are not owned by others, which even helps him get rid of harm occasionally. At the same time, he studies Torah in Jerusalem with Gamaliel and he becomes a Pharisee afterwards. Later on, he persecutes Jesus of Nazareth’s followers in Judea and Jerusalem (Ryan Nelson. 2019).. He had various detractors and enemies in his own day even though he was believed to be a major figure in the Christian movement so that he didn’t receive as much respect as James and Peter. As a result, he has no choice but to struggle himself so as to establish his own authority and worth in due time, leading to his being able to exert great impacts on subsequent Christianity and fortify his place as one of the greatest religious leaders of all time (Ryan Nelson. 2019). He returns to Jerusalem and he is arrested and imprisoned at Caesarea in 57-59. Later in 59-60, he appears before Festus and appeals to Caesar and he takes on a voyage to Rome. And then he is under house arrest at Rome in 60-62, during which he writes letters to Colossians, Ephesians, Philemon and Philippians. Two years later, he is released and he takes on a journey to Spain and he writes letters to Timothy and Titus. In the end, he returns to Rome and he is martyred in 64, which is the end of his life (Ryan Nelson. 2019).

Moreover, the missionary work of The Apostle Paul will follow. As a matter of fact, Paul composed over a half of the New Testament within 17 years, half of which was written in a period of three years from 61 A.D. to 63 A.D. (Biblica Staff. 2018). During that period of three years, he wrote Colossians, Ephesians, Hebrews, Philemon, Philippians, 1 Timothy and Titus (Biblica Staff. 2018). Based on this, it is not hard to find that he had absolutely written a lot during that period of time. In order for better illustration, it is further added that he wrote four of those letters in prison, which can be used to justify for why he was so prolific. According to this, a fair knowledge can be obtained that he had actually composed a lot of missionary work in his lifetime.

In addition, his significant contributions to theology and the church will be minutely mentioned. Generally speaking, he was one of the most outstanding leaders in the early Christian church that exert great influences because he plays a critical part in spreading the gospel of the Gentiles in the first century and defining formally the Christian beliefs and unifying the church. His missionary journey lasting various years had made him run through the whole Roman Empire and plant churches all over Asia Minor and Europe. To put it more specifically, he has started over a dozen churches, which is right why he is believed to be the author of 13 books of the Bible (John Piper. 2019). At the same time, he has as well been the one that influences the religious landscape of the world more when compared with other people including Muhammad and Jesus. Besides, it is Paul’s encounter with Jesus that motivated him to make bringing the gospel beyond Jewish communities as his life mission, suggesting various contributions made by him in theology and the church.

Last but not the least, an opinion on his “conversion” will be elaborated on. In fact, the name of Saul is not changed to Paul by Jesus after his conversion (Mark A. Copeland. 2004). The more detailed condition is that Paul had a miraculous experience and started to preach that Jesus is the Messiah with a boldness that changed history, during which Jesus renamed the same of Saul to Paul to represent his conversion and rebirth. Besides, what cannot be neglected is that what really matters is not how and why Saul is changed to Paul but the importance of the transforming encounter Paul had with Jesus on the road to Damascus, which even changed the history course. It can be understood in this way that it is right this encounter that led untold generations through the world meeting Jesus as their Savior and enabled the audience to receive half of the New Testament via the writings of this rock star of an Apostle of Christ (Mark A. Copeland. 2004).


To sum up, a reasonable conclusion can be drawn that The Apostle Paul is definitely one worthy of exploration, which is right why his being the subject of books, movies, Sunday School lessons as well as many sermons. In addition to his biographical information, his missionary work, his significant contributions to theology and the church together with an opinion on his “conversion”, there are many other aspects concerning The Apostle Paul as have not been mentioned in the above, which calls for further efforts in the future. Only in this way can The Apostle Paul be researched to the full in the end.

Works Cited

Biblica Staff. October 19, 2018. 7 Things You Didn’t Know About the Apostle Paul. Retrieved online from: https://www.biblica.com/articles/7-things-you-didnt-know-about-the-apostle-paul/.

Janet Meyer Everts. 2020. The Apostle Paul and His Times: Christian History Timeline. Retrieved online from: https://www.christianitytoday.com/history/issues/issue-47/apostle-paul-and-his-times-christian-history-timeline.html.

John Piper. Why I Love The Apostle Paul: 30 Reasons. Desiring God Foundation. 2019.

Mark A. Copeland. A Chronological Study Harmonizing The Book of Arts with Paul’s Epistles. A Harmony of The Life of Paul. 2004.

Ryan Nelson. Feb 28, 2019. Who Was the Apostle Paul? Retrieved online from: https://overviewbible.com/apostle-paul/.


