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Essay范文-Reflection on Rosenstrasse

发布时间:2022-04-20 16:26:49 阅读:838


  • 作者:博远教育
  • 导读:本文是一篇Essay代写范文,主要内容是讲电影《罗森斯特拉斯》的反思。《罗森斯特拉斯》是一部由玛格丽特·冯·特罗塔执导的电影,于2003年9月18日在德国上映。本文将探讨汉娜在发现她母亲过去经历的可怕真相后的变化。
  • 字数:1037 字
  • 预计阅读时间:3分钟




Rosenstrasse is a film directed by Margarthe von Trotta which is released on 18 September 2003 in Germany. The film name Rosenstrasse is the street name located in Central Berlin and the site of the welfare office for the Jewish community where the men of those German women are housed. This film focuses on the life of a Jewish daughter named Hannah of a World War II survivor called Ruth and this paper is going to explore the changes of Hannah after she had detected the horrible truth her mother had experienced in the past.


In the first beginning, Hannah could not understand her mother at all after her father’s death and she was puzzled at her mother’s strange behavior of imposing strict Jewish mourning toward her father. Also, she could not understand why her mother insisted on following the strict proscriptions of her faith under whatever conditions and she had no idea about her mother’s assumption of restrictive orthodox Jewish practices. Moreover, what Hannah could not stand is that her mother even prevented her from marrying Luis and her mother even warned her that Hannah would be disowned if she did not give up her relationship with Luis. As far as Hannah is concerned, it is hard to perceive why her mother would place that much importance on this issue as she would not like to give up Luis. And she wondered why her mother did not tell her the part of her life during the war time which became a mystery to her all the time and she deemed that the discovery of that part life of her mother can help her know more about her mother in one way or another.

Later on, Hannah personally went to Berlin from New York to search for the answer and she began to understand her mother. After hearing the story of a week in 1943 from nineteen-year-old Lena who is her mother’s savior, her mother’s miserable childhood and a quite dark proportion of modern history were revealed to her and she was greatly shocked at them. She began to know that her mother’s traumatic past which can be used to justify for her mother’s being too loyal to Jewish faith and the reason why her mother would like to keep that part of her life as a secret. She was surprised at her mother’s positivity, unconditional love and unwavering hope under terrible circumstances in a dark time that is really difficult to imagine for people in recent times. She could make sure that why she could act in the same way as her mother if she were put into that troubled situation as her mother. In this way, she felt that all her mother’s behaviors could make sense and she knew that she should learn to respect her mother and try to put herself into the shoes of her mother. It was at this time that Hannah realized that how little she ever knew and she felt that there really was major misunderstanding between her and her mother. Therefore after this personal exploration, Hannah changed to grow up more or less and she could understand her mother because of the traumatic past and she would again have new awareness toward the relationship between Germans and Jews.

To sum up, Hannah has actually changed from an unknown girl to a more mature one who can learn to find the truth that she would like to know on her own. And she begins to understand her mother and she as well learns the pains deep down her mother’s heart, leading to her feeling pitiful and respectful toward her mother in the end.



