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Global Literatures Essay代写范文

发布时间:2022-05-07 13:45:04 阅读:1083


  • 作者:博远教育
  • 导读:本文是一篇关于世界文化Essay代写范文,课程代码ARTS2040,课程名称GlobalLiteratures,本篇Essay作为期末考试的作业提交。
  • 字数:1542 字
  • 预计阅读时间:4分钟


本文是一篇关于文学课Essay代写范文,课程代码ARTS 2040,课程名称Global Literatures,本篇Essay作为期末考试的作业提交。    


The Violence In The Literary World


Violence is an important element in the ‘land’ module. ‘The prose and dramatic narratives from continents, nations and regions seem to be unified rather overwhelmingly by the theme of violence.’, I would definitely agree with this notion. Alejandro’s Babel and Salar’s The Whitest Set of Teeth in Tehran are two perfect examples which combine the history and social issues of the countries with the theme of the violence and enable the viewers or readers to think deeply about the ‘violence’ existed in the society. This essay will make a comparison of how they represent violence and analyse the meaning of the violence in different places.

暴力是“土地”模块中的一个重要元素来自各大洲、国家和地区的散文和戏剧叙事似乎在很大程度上被暴力主题所统一。”,我绝对同意这个观点。亚历杭德罗(Alejandro)的《巴别塔》(Babel)和萨拉尔(Salar)的《德黑兰最洁白的牙齿》(The White Set of Tehran)是两个完美的例子,它们将这些国家的历史和社会问题与暴力主题结合起来,让观众或读者能够深入思考社会中存在的“暴力”。本文将对它们如何表现暴力进行比较,并分析不同地方暴力的含义。

Representation of Violence

Violence in Babel is represented through the gun, since the gun is the symbol of cruelty, killing and death. Also, the gun is the origin and cause of the four stories. The gun is sold by the Japanese businessman to the Moroccan man and then threatens the life of Susan. Though the stories take place in different countries (the first and the third in the Moroccan desert, the second on the border of Mexico, the fourth in central Tokyo), they are associated with each other with the appearance of the gun and all deal with the general problems in society, such as broken communities, misunderstandings, isolation between the parents and children, which were discussed in the tutorial.

In the film, the ‘violence’ elements are presented with the concepts of montage, melodrama and butterfly effect. The scenes are often altered and sometimes make the viewers confused. For example, in the first Moroccan story, the violence is shown with the theme of ‘lost’ and ‘loneliness’. Teenager Yussef uses the gun accidentally shooting Susan, which can be considered as a violent behaviour and the result of lack of love and care from his family. Because in the remote desert, Yussef receives little education. The only entertainments for him are watching the naked women and playing with the chicken and the sheep. In a long term, he seldom communicates with others and becomes aggressive. Similarly, the scene in the film suddenly turn to the Japanese girl Chieko, who is born deaf. And the suicide of her mother makes her more introverted and rebellious. She finds no one to talk to and refuses to open her mind, always staying at home. She even does not know how to behave well in the public place. Therefore, she makes some self-destructing behaviours which are violent and hurt herself.

Trauma is the common symbol of violence. The most shocking moments in the film, from personal point of view, are the following: First, Chieko exposes her body to the policeman. Second, Yussef and Zohra were beaten by their father and the villagers were beaten by the police. Third, the driver asks the nanny and children to get off the car after he breaks the border. The characters in the film come from different cultural backgrounds and live different lives, but no matter how the quality of the lives they live, they all suffer from some psychological hurdles. No one cares much about others and everyone builds a ‘fence’ in heart. It is also one of the severe problems in the modern society. Working, eating and sleeping become the main routines of everyday life. People do not talk with each other, and even neighbours do not familiar with each other.

The inequality life between the First and Third world is also presented by the ‘violence’ element. The portrayal of the environment, such as the comparison of the high-rise buildings in modern Japan with the mountainous Moroccan desert, embodies the giant disparity in development between the village and the metropolis. In addition, the nanny does not make big mistakes but she is rejected by the customs to enter into the land of America, which breaks her dream of uniting with her family and her future. Her crying is helpless and despairing. The viewers can feel the emotion of the character thoroughly and also the ‘violence’(which I think means the mercilessness here) of the authority and the government.

When it comes to the short story in Tehran Noir, the violence is presented in some details of the description of the city. Due to the special geographical location and the complicated history of Tehran, it is a place with many religions, full of conflict and turbulence. Some words are interesting in the short story of The Whitest Set of Teeth in Tehran. For example, ‘Bitter? Bitter was right. His father died bitter in jail. And once Lotfi and his brother escaped the country, Lotfi promised himself he would never speak a word of Persian again.’ And also ‘Lotfi knew something about this kind of immigrant life. All the shit jobs he and his brother had had to suffer in America until they managed to pull themselves together. They did all the menial work and received the blame for every crime imaginable.’ People in Tehran live a hard life without equal rights or sound social welfares. The details of people’s life in Tehran make the readers think about the tense relationship between Iran and Afghanistan. The endless wars have claimed many innocent people’s lives in the Middle East. The terrorist attacks show the violence of the military, the army and even the country, enabling readers to learn more about the suffering of the locals there.

The story in Tehran raises the awareness of the violence to the women and children in Iran as well. ‘Women may bear the brunt of domestic violence, but children are also inflicted by the consequences of violence between their parents.’(Meroe Vameghi, Journal of Interpersonal Violence,2009) They are deprived of some basic rights and not treated equally as the other citizens, being forced to do some physical work but paid little money. The attentions to the disadvantaged groups like these are necessary nowadays.

Overall, both the Babel and The Whitest Set of teeth in Tehran are reflections of the dark sides and the violence elements that are easily neglected in society, presenting the living conditions of people from different walks of life and social status. They remind the readers and the viewers that, violence is ubiquitous no matter in individual, in family, or to a broader extent, in society, in country. However, the Babel aims at the comparison of people’s common psychological problems in developed and developing countries of the East and the West, while The Whitest Set of Teeth in Tehran focuses on the city of Tehran and the lives of the immigrants there.


The violence element of the literary works in the ‘land’ module is important in that it helps the readers know the problems in the society better through the background information of the countries and the characters. It gives rise to a deeper thought of the people, the country and lives in the real moments. By comparing the different texts in the ‘land’ module, it is not difficult to find some universal points or problems in the world and maybe it will advocate people to find solutions. That is also maybe the charm and the purpose of the literature based on our everyday life.


[1]Eshelman, Raoul, The planetary turn-relationality and geoaesthetics in the twenty-first century: Chapter: Archetypologies of the human-planetary performatism, cinematic relationality, and Inarritu's Babel, 2015

[2]Juan Pellicer, Bridging Worlds: Transtextuality, Montage, and the Poetics of Babel, p.239-249, 2010, http://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/10.1525/msem.2010.26.2.239.pdf?refreqid=excelsior:263b3ec103b8edcba11635a03384ed2c

[3]Meroe Vameghi, Ali Feizzadeh, Arash Mirabzadeh and Golnaz Feizzadeh, Exposure to Domestic Violence Between Parents: A Perspective From Tehran, Iran, 2009,


[4]Raha Namy, Tehran Noir (Book Review), World Literature Today, p.65-66,


[5]Salar Abdoh, Tehran Noir, p.136-160,2014


