

发布时间:2022-06-15 15:59:02 阅读:679


  • 作者:博远教育
  • 导读:本文是一片Essay代写范文,本文主要讨论了全球变暖和我们的关系。人们一直一致认为,全球变暖是人类活动的后果。在我看来,全球变暖是一种自然现象,是气候循环的一部分。
  • 字数:944 字
  • 预计阅读时间:3分钟


本文是一片Essay代写范文,题目为:Global Warming and Our Relationship,本文主要讨论了全球变暖和我们的关系。


There has been an ongoing consensus that global warming is a consequence for human activities. in my point of view, Global warming is a natural phenomenon which is a part of climate cycles.


As recognized by environmental science academia, too much carbon dioxide emission from human activities is deemed as the major cause for global warming. They argued that in the carbon cycle on earth, deforestation and fossil fuel combustion are the major contributors for carbon dioxide emission. As a result, much more long wave radiation is absorbed by the atmosphere, thus heated the surface of the earth.


However, the main greenhouse gases in the world include water vapor, ozone, carbon dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, methane and so on. The molecular structure of carbon dioxide determines that it can only resonate with long wave radiation in 15 micron band, 10 micron band, and 5.2 micron band. While the resonance of water vapor covers all bands. At the same concentration, the greenhouse effect of water vapor is much stronger than that of carbon dioxide. In the environment, carbon dioxide is less than 4/10000 of the volume of the atmosphere, and water vapor is more than 4/100. The average concentration of water vapor is 26 times that of carbon dioxide, and more than 100 times that of carbon dioxide in the near surface atmosphere. Therefore, the role of carbon dioxide in greenhouse effect is small enough to be negligible. It is absurd to attribute the greenhouse effect to human activities or human carbon dioxide emissions.

A study has found out that even if there had been no industrial revolution along human history, global temperatures would stay at the same level as they are currently. According to a collaborative research by an Australian climate science negators Jennifer Marohasy and computer scientist John Abbott, global warming effect is almost completely natural.

Jennifer collected evidence of temperature changes in the past 2000 years, such as tree rings, coral cores, and so on. They feed the dataset into a neural network, which was used by Dr. John over the years to predict the Australian rainfall pattern, to study the global temperature over the past 2000 years. By observing patterns and provide predictions, the neutral network shows that temperature rise predicted is roughly the same as that measured in real life. Carbon dioxide is not added to the actual measurement, which indicates that carbon dioxide is not the one of the major causes of global warming.

They also pointed out that there was a period of time known as the Medieval Warm Period, which was about 986 to 1234, during which time the temperature was roughly equivalent to today's temperature. Therefore, two Australian researchers believe that there is evidence that the earth will be warmer to a certain extent, no matter whether human emissions are released to the atmosphere.“Global temperatures were on average after 1980, which coincided with the slow decline of other mainstream scientists.” Such claim is stated by Jennifer Marohasi and John Abbott. It is not difficult to understand this before. They suggest that the climate warming we are experiencing now is mainly natural, and that climate change may be cooling down in the past.



