本文是一篇Paper代写范文分享,题目为Kitkat Advertisement Analysis,本文主要对雀巢奇巧公司的广告机进行了分析。雀巢奇巧的广告公司,它是世界上最大的巧克力公司。随着市场的整合与传播,广告是媒体快速发展的重要途径。一个好的广告能为客户提供感觉、想象、信息和情感的含义。
This paper aims to analyze the Kitkat advertisement made by Nestle Company, which is one of the largest chocolate companies in the world. This advertisement is demonstrated as below in Figure 1. With the integration and communication of market, advertisement is an important approach to the rapid development of media. A good advertisement can provides sensory, imaginary, informative, emotional meaning to the clients. Besides, it can also make the impact of thought provoking and reflection. However, in what way the advertisement can pass the sensory, imaginary, informative, emotional meaning to the customers and arouse their interest? This is the research question of this paper. This study is important to the advertisement analysis. Besides, this paper mainly adopts qualitative analysis and a case study of Kitkat. This paper will take the Kitkat advertisement as a case study in order to analyze the research question from the respect of visual, semiotics, method, media and diversity, media audience, etc. in order to make the businessman, producer and clients know the reason for the attraction of the advertisement.
Berger (2013, p.78) asserts that the media analysis techniques include the transfer and accept information of the visual, semiotics, method, media and diversity, media audience to the customers. Therefore, the following part will follow Berger’s statement and take the perspective of visual, semiotics, method, media and diversity, media audience to the customers to analyze the advertisement made by Kitkat in Nestle shown in Figure 1. The successful of this advertisement is due to the achievement of the following factors.
First and foremost, Kitkat advertisement sends the visual information to the clients. The visual information is the most important part in the informative function of an advertisement. From Figure 1, it can see in this advertisement there a gorgeous young lady with brown long wavy hear, a pair of glasses and a sweet smile to taste the Kitkat. This leaves the clients and impression that the quality and appearance of Kitkat chocolate is as excellent as the lady as you can see in the poster. In other words, it means the feeling of eating the Kitkat is like getting in touch with a beautiful young lady, which is full of imaginary. Moreover, the hair of the lady in the advertisement is smooth and bright. This gives an impression that the taste of the chocolate, which is smooth, is similar as the hair of the lady. Besides, the background color uses the warm color that is dark red which give the clients an impression of energetic and powerful. What’s more, the glasses wearing image intends to send the information that if you can eat Kitkat you will become wise as the glasses is a symbol of high education and high intelligence. Plus, from the wearing of lady, it can see that she should be a white collar. This indicates that Kitkat is the good partner of the officer workers. When you at work and take a bar of Kitkat you can will feel comfortable and not be alone as a beautiful young lady is accompanying with you. Generally speaking, this kind of advertisement is cozy and comfortable. Shah and Ali (2011, pp.40-56) assert that the visual information is the factor to attract the attention of the potential clients. If the first visual information is good, it can arouse more clients to obtain the further information of the products and then to purchase it. The design of Kitkat just adopts this kind of purchasing psychology. The visual effect can make the clients directly perceive the live, specific picture, and then the clients can swiftly generate the imaginary effect. The good impression of Kitkat at the first sight indicates it attraction to the clients. To sum up, the visual impression is the initial contact with the clients, which is crucial to an advertisement.
Second, Kitkat advertisement transfers the semiotics information to the clients. The semiotics information means the sign, shape or format can directly or indirectly give the clients a feeling of consistency and harmony. Berger (2013, p.78) mentions that the understanding on the meaning of sign varies from person to person. Hence, to the same sign different people will have different understandings and perceptions. For example, the semiotics meaning of the lady in the advertisement intends to demonstrate young, energetic, powerful, knowledge, and beauty. This will make the clients integrate the semiotics of the lady with the chocolate. The attraction of the chocolate equals to the charm of the lady. The hair of the lady gives an impression that the taste of the chocolate, which is smooth, is similar as the hair of the lady. Besides, semiotics to the background color is impressive. The background color uses the warm color that is dark red which give the clients an impression of energetic and powerful. Plus, the color of dark red belongs to the same color kind of the logo of Nestle. This is purposeful design rather than coincidence. Berger (2013, p.216) holds that the semiotic is a bridge to connect the relationship between different regions, areas, districts and nations. Taking the lady in the picture for example, she can transfer the meaning of young, energetic, powerful, knowledge, and beauty to the people no matter where you are. This is the reason why so many designers want to enrich the semiotic elements in their advertisement for the attraction of their advertisement and there is no exception in the advertisement of Kitkan. The semiotic function in the advertisement will make the content of advertisements become diversity and colorful. Generally speaking, the semiotic sign is a connection for the cross culture or multinational culture communication and it is crucial to grasp this aspect.
Furthermore, Kitkat advertisement adopts good advertising methods. Shah and Ali (2011, pp.40-56) affirms that the advertising methods is necessary to the success and publicize of an advertisement. The successful advertisement includes the idea creation, hi-tech application, color match, information transfer and so on. Toward the advertisement of Kittan, the idea of the creation is calling for the attraction of the clients. The advertisement of Kitkat uses the TV display and poster to publicize. This piece of Kitkat advertisement is displayed on the mass media, such as LD screen, internet, TV, poster, newspaper, iPad, etc. The creation is essential to the prosperity of the advertisement. Currently the advanced science and technology makes great contributions to the booming of advertisement. It is assumed that in the future the advertisement will continue to integrate into the advanced science and technology to transfer information of the visual, semiotics, method, media and diversity, media audience to the customers. In the advertisement of Kitkat, we can see that excellent innovation in the art design and the creations in the publicity make the concerted efforts to its success. Besides, the cooperation is the key factor in the making of a successful advertisement. In a word, the advertising method is important to an advertisement. There is a trend in the advertising method that is the turn of culture, and hi-tech. Thus, in the future the design of Kitkat can add more culture and hi-tech elements to its advertisement.
Besides, Kitkat advertisement uses the media and diversity. This means the Kitkat uses cross nation element to attract the attention of the clients. Ririn and Amalia, (2012, pp.139-153) assert with the integrating into the global market it is necessary to adopt the advanced science and technology to accelerate the advertising. This piece of Kitkat advertisement is displayed on the mass media, such as LD screen, internet, TV, poster, newspaper, iPad, etc. The creation is essential to the prosperity of the advertisement. Currently the advanced science and technology makes great contributions to the booming of advertisement. It is assumed that in the future the advertisement will continue to integrate into the advanced science and technology to transfer information of the visual, semiotics, method, media and diversity, media audience to the customers. A good advertisement should transfer the meaning from the producer of the company to the clients through breakthrough made by the producer, advertiser and designer. Thus, it can see a good advertisement is the concerted effort of many involvements, engagements and participants. Furthermore, in the making of a good advertisement, it is necessary to pass the information and message of visual, semiotics, method, media and diversity, media audience to the clients. The perception and cognition of the clients is essential to the judgement of an advertisement. The solid foundation for the transference of the message in the advertisement can promote the selling and reach more contract and agreement. In brief, the media and diversity provide a broad platform for the development of advertisement. Hence, Kitkat should grasp the chance for its advertisement development.
Last but not least, Kitkat advertisement attempt to make the media audiences have overcome the cultural barriers. The cultural barriers sometimes can make misunderstanding in the cross cultural communication. Campbel et al. (2011, p.91) affirm that the culture element is like a double edged sword, indicating the well use of it can bring benefit and verse vice. Kitkat uses the universally accepted sign beauty to transfer the information that our chocolate is as delicious as the lady and as smooth as the lady’s smile. Besides, if you can eat the more of it you can become wise. The glasses in the picture mean knowledge. However, in some culture the glasses refer to bad eye sight. Thus, in that kind of cultural background someone will misread it as if you take the Kitkat you will become eye shorted. For another example, the background color is dark red which aims to transfer the information of welcome, hospitality and kind. However, in some cultural background, red equals to blood which is a sign of war, fight and competition. So, the broadcasting of Kitkat’s advertisement it is necessary to know the culture meaning in different countries. Just as Campbel et al. (2011, p. 162) assert that the culture can help the advertisement enter into a new world and a new market to gain more profit and earn more popularity. However, the bad use of it will ruin the intelligence fruit of the company and transfer wrong information to the clients which will lead to misunderstanding. All in all, the advertisement producer should make full use of the cultural elements for the better and brighter development of the advertisement.
From the above mentioned discussion on the analysis of Kitkat advertisement of Nestle Company, this paper comes to the following conclusions on the making of an advertisement. First and foremost, a good advertisement should transfer the meaning from the producer of the company to the clients through breakthrough made by the producer, advertiser and designer. Thus, it can see a good advertisement is the concerted effort of many involvements, engagements and participants. In other words, the cooperation is the key factor in the making of a successful advertisement. Furthermore, in the making of a good advertisement, it is necessary to pass the information and message of visual, semiotics, method, media and diversity, media audience to the clients. The perception and cognition of the clients is essential to the judgement of an advertisement. The culture element is like a double edged sword, indicating the well use of it can bring benefit and verse vice. Sometimes, the cultural barriers sometimes can make misunderstanding in the cross cultural communication. The solid foundation for the transference of the message in the advertisement can promote the selling and reach more contract and agreement. Last but not least, the creation is essential to the prosperity of the advertisement. Currently the advanced science and technology makes great contributions to the booming of advertisement. It is assumed that in the future the advertisement will continue to integrate into the advanced science and technology to transfer information of the visual, semiotics, method, media and diversity, media audience to the customers. If Kitkan can follow this suit, its products will achieve high selling recording.
Berger, A. A. (2013). Media analysis techniques. Sage, New York.
Campbell, R., Martin, C. R., & Fabos, B. (2011). Media and culture: An introduction to mass communication. Macmillan, London.
Ririn, B., & Amalia, L. L. (2012). Two faces of masculinity in axe chocolate advertisement. Indonesian Journal of Applied Linguistics (IJAL), Vol.1, No.2, pp.139-153.
Shah, J., & Ali, B. (2011). Idea Generation: A Catalyst for Productivity and Innovation in Advertising. International journal of Contemporary Business Studies, Vol.2, No.3, pp.40-56.
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