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Personal Statement个人陈述代写范文

发布时间:2021-06-22 13:46:29 阅读:2864


  • 作者:致远教育
  • 导读:本文是一篇个人陈述PersonalStatement代写范文,分段为大家介绍了本篇范文的写作技巧和方法,欢迎大家阅读赏析。
  • 字数:1543 字
  • 预计阅读时间:5分钟


本文是一篇个人陈述Personal Statement代写范文,分段为大家介绍了本篇范文的写作技巧和方法,欢迎大家阅读赏析。

个人陈述Personal Statement代写范文


My journey into quantitative finance started from the course, Introduction to Financial Mathematics. In this class, I witnessed how the combination of statistics, probability, stochastic processes as well as economic theory can solve financial problems. Taking a series of advanced quant finance courses at Peking University, I gained a much deeper appreciation of how the quantitative methodology can be applied to solving commodities trading and risk management problems. Now, with utmost enthusiasm to engage in further study and career in this area, I want to apply to Cornell’s distinguished Financial Engineering program.


Driven by my strong interest in physics, I took many advanced courses at Tsinghua University, spanning from basic quantum mechanics and thermodynamics, applied physics in electronics and engineering, to advanced string theory, and achieved excellent academic performances. I made progress year by year and gained a high GPA of 3.92/4.0, ranking 3/159 over the three years. In addition, I received the “Merit Student” award and different scholarships every year. Thanks to my success in courses, I got a chance to participate in the 35th National Undergraduate Physics Contest. I was honored with the first prize. These all demonstrated my success in academic studies.


I started my first research project in the Probability Statistics class as a sophomore. After learning the basic knowledge of probability and statistics, I discussed with the professor to complete a project that aimed to predict net income to enhance my programming knowledge. Although I had already been equipped with adequate mathematics knowledge, I still need to learn Visual Basic for Application (VBA) from scratch. After learning VBA myself, I designed the program to predict product sales fluctuations and developed it using VBA. The expected sales could be calculated by entering the visiting flow in each day. Therefore, with the help of the program, product owners could see the promotion of partial improvement to the whole clearly. By completing this project, I have mastered the using of computer programming to solve practical problems. This work was highly praised by the teacher and enabled me to get a high score of 91 points.

Asides from in-class learning, I enjoy participating in the business competition to further train my soft skills by transforming the theory into practical application. When I collaborated with my team mates in the 4th National College Business Elite Challenge Business Planning Competition, I was the leader responsible for designing the tourist routes, marketing strategy, and presenting the project in the final round. Before producing the proposal, I reached out to many experienced alumni to do the desk research for the competition. In terms of professional knowledge, I reviewed a lot of literature related to the tourism culture of Haikou City to achieve a combination of professionalism and practicality. When the competition officially started, our team was initiated with dividing members in terms of their interests, which allowed us to work more efficiently. I set up deadlines for each part to ensure members to be punctual in completing their procedures. Our well-organized team completed the project faster than others and did it with high quality. We won the 3rd prize among more than 100 teams. These experiences not only shaped me to be a team facilitator but also made me eager to step into the marketing industry.


To learn more about the scientific language education research method, I went to XX University to work on the Word Generation project under Professor XX’s supervision in July of 2020. This project aimed to improve English learning efficiency and students’ abilities to use academic language to express their own perspectives on social issues, especially focusing on students with bilingual background. During this experience, I mainly analyzed syntax use, vocabulary, and students’ perspective-taking abilities in essays written in this teaching project. To contribute to the project, I discovered it placed significant emphasis on learning academic vocabulary and less on learning grammar and sentence structures. As a result, students experienced difficulties in linking academic words to logical thoughts when expressing their perspectives due to deficiencies in grammar knowledge. My insights were highly praised by Professor XX. This research experience allowed me to grasp basic methods of educational study and enhanced my understanding of features of bilingual students’ language cognition. Influenced by the outstanding literacy research capabilities in the United States, I recognized that there was a great gap between me and these renowned experts, strengthening my determination to pursue further study.


I also gained an opportunity to work as a planning intern at Volkswagen Automatic Transmission in Tianjin from September 2017 to May 2018. My main work there was to track the progress of machine equipment installation for APP290 project. To make the installation process work, I need to communicate between supplier and logistics frequently to ensure the project was on schedule. I was also in charge of capacity measurement of machine equipment for APP290 project and completed the MFU test report. Furthermore, I participated in the plan of production increase of DQ380 transmission. I was responsible for determining the model and quantity of the machines for each step. And I arranged the placement of machines to ensure the efficient transportation of materials between different processes. I summarized the purchasing and budget plan for the machine. And I reported the plan at BM and pre-BM meeting. I was highly praised by the leader due to my hardworking and cooperation. Beyond my contribution to the company, the teamwork, and the fact that all the work was done in English increased my confidence in future work as well as my study in the UK.

Due to myexperience in computer science and my strong interest in its application, Ihave worked as a user experience architect in Home Credit China since 2016. Myjob is to redesign the existing app to make it more in line with the Chinesepeople’s habits. Since the app involved multiple departments in the company, Ineed to find a balance in the opinions of the parties so that the work can gosmoothly. To enable all departments to reach a consensus, I clearly showed themthe current core data performance of the product and our desired goals. Thiswell-founded way helped us reach a consensus. Then in the user interface (UI)and user experience (UX) process, we found that the original design could notmeet our requirements, and substantial modifications should be done. Due to theabundance of time, I created a complete set of design systems, from theessential interface elements of the App to the design of the UI. Throughconfidential cooperation with the developers and visual designers, we completedthe development of the app successfully. At last, we conducted usabilitytesting to further optimize the product. This work experience has taught me howto design a product with systematic thinking. In addition, leading the team andcommunicating with different departments has greatly improved my leadership andteamwork skills. I strongly believe that this valuable experience will be ofgreat benefit to my future career.


I have a strong interest in exploring novel nanoelectronics devices, as this is an emerging field which could create a revolution in electrical engineering and computer science. In order to promote the development of this field, I recognize the need for background knowledge in many fields; thus, I am looking forward to taking courses and studying a variety of applications, from basic device design and fabrication to digital/analog circuits and computer architecture. As this research field is still growing, I know there are many challenges ahead. However, I am eager to devote my interdisciplinary experience in physics, electrical engineering, and computer science to this field.

