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Book Report(读书报告)怎么写?

发布时间:2020-04-14 09:45:29 阅读:9184 作者:致远教育 字数:1048 字 预计阅读时间:3分钟

Book Report也是国外大学里非常常见的作业形式之一,一般来说也不会太难写,前提是要要认认真真的读完书才能有内容写,有些老师会制定一些书籍,有些老师则不会,算是比较开放式的一种作业形式。下文中致远小编就给大家整理了一些Book Report写作要点,不知道book report怎么写的同学们可以好好看一下。


book report怎么写

To write a book report, you are expected to do two things: 

1. Summarize the material.

2. Detail your reaction to it.


1. 总结

2. 感想

Part 1 of a Report: A Summary of the Work

第一部分 作品总结

To develop the first part of report, do the following:

1. Identify the author and title of the work, and include in parentheses the publisher and publication date.  With magazine, give the date of publication.


2. Write an informative summary of the material. Condense the content of the work by highlighting its main points and key supporting points.



1. Do not discuss in great detail any single aspect of the work while neglecting to mention other equally important points.  Summarize the material so that the reader gets a general sense of all key aspects of theo riginal work. 

2. Also, keep the summary objective and factual.  Do not include in the first part of the paper your personal reaction to the work.

book report怎么写

Part 2 of a Report: Your Reaction to the Work

第二部分 你的感想

To develop the second part of a report, do the following:

1. Focus on any or all of the questions below.

a. How is the work related to problems in our present-day world?


b. How is the work related to your life, experiences, feelings, and ideas? For instance, what emotion did it arouse in you?  Did it increase our understanding of an issueor change your perspective.


2. Evaluate the merit of the work: the importance of its points; its accuracy,completeness, and organization; and so on. You should also indicate here whether you would recommend the work to others, and why.


Points to Keep in Mind When Writing a Report

1.Apply the four basic standards of effective writing (unity, support, coherence, and clear, error-free sentences).


a. Make sure each major paragraph presents and then develops a single main point.  For example in the model report that follows, a paragraph summarizes the book, and the three paragraphs that follow detail three separate reactions that the student writer has. The student then closes the report with a short concluding paragraph.


b. Support with specific reasons and details any general points or attitudes you express. Statements such as “There are many good ideas in this article” and “This book is very interesting” are meaningless without specific evidence that shows why you feel as you do.  Look at the model report to see how the main point or topic sentence of each paragraph is developed by specific supporting evidence.


c. Organize the material in the paper.  Follow the basic plan of organization: an introduction, a summary consisting of one or more paragraphs, a reaction consisting of two more paragraphs, and a conclusion.  Use transitions to connect the parts of the paper.

c、 把文章的材料整理好。遵循基本的组织计划:导言、一段或多段的总结、两段以上的反应和结论。使用过渡连接纸张的各个部分。

d. Proofread the paper for grammar, mechanics, punctuation, and word use.

d、 校对这篇论文的语法、机械、标点和用词。

2. Document quotations from all works by giving the page number in parentheses after the quoted material (see the model report). You may use quotations in the summary and reactions parts of the paper, but do not rely too much on them.  Use them only to emphasize key ideas.

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