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发布时间:2021-09-02 16:25:43 阅读:1757 作者:致远教育 字数:2170 字 预计阅读时间:7分钟
导读:首先,留学申请PS的开头的关键性不用多说,一篇好的留学PS开头一般是怎么样的呢?第一,它能给全文奠定一个好的基调;第二,它能引起招生官的注意和阅读兴趣;第三,它能包含PS的main idea,让招生官快速了解你的专业兴趣和能力所在。




第三,它能包含PS的main idea,让招生官快速了解你的专业兴趣和能力所在。







As An undergraduate I involved myself in a wide array of community service activities and even now I work 40 hours a week with abused and neglected children. This impulse to serve others and put myself in situations in which I feel I am making a difference likely stems from the very difficult circumstances of my childhood, which so influenced the woman I have become.

——摘自Telzer Richard J. 《How to Write a Winning Personal Statement for Graduate and Professional School》



My interest in science dates back to my years in high school, where I excelled in physics, chemistry, and math. When I was a senior, I took a first-year calculus course at a local college (such an advanced-level class was not available in high school) and earned an A. It seemed only logical that I pursue a career in electrical engineering.

——摘自Telzer Richard J. 《How to Write a Winning Personal Statement for Graduate and Professional School》(这本书同学们可以去查一查,很多大学都推荐,写得非常好,豆瓣条目)



比如下面这位英语文学博士的PS的beginning part,就非常专业得体:

Having majored in literary studies (world literature) as an undergraduate, I would now like to concentrate on English and American literature.

I am especially interested in nineteenth-century literature, women's literature, Anglo-Saxon poetry, and folklore and folk literature. My personal literary projects have involved some combination of these subjects. For the oral section of my comprehensive exams, I specialized in nineteenth century novels by and about women. The relationship between "high" and folk literature became the subject for my honors essay, which examined Toni Morrison's use of classical, biblical, African, and Afro-American folk tradition in her novel. I plan to work further on this essay, treating Morrison's other novels and perhaps preparing a paper suitable for publication.

——摘自Telzer Richard J.

上面是比较直接且专业层面的内容,其实很多申授课类master会比较浅显地提及对专业领域的现状,兴趣和洞见等。比如下面的这篇英国G5 law school学生的留学申请ps开头;

In today's climate, an understanding of law is critical. The question of Scotland's independence and its legal repercussions; the European Treaty's effect on British law; the legitimacy of the war on terror and its effect on civil rights. There seems, to me, no more exciting a time to be studying law.



My decision to return to school now and earn my MBA degree stems rom my determination that I have specific needs that can best be met within the confines of graduate business curriculum. I need more specific general management skills, a greaater degree of expertise in data processing, and a broader knowledge of finance in order to progress in my career.

——摘自Telzer Richard J.




"The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it." (Oscar Wilde) The role temptation plays within the context of the criminal psyche, is a matter which compels my inquisitive and analytical mind to gain a deeper knowledge and understanding.

看了这四种方式,大家应该知道怎么选择最适合的方式写开头了,但是实际写作的时候,开头还是要遵循逻辑和叙述上的PS写作通则。比如逻辑完整流畅,语言层次丰富,整体充满细节和力度等。正如华盛顿大学的招生部长John Herweg所强调:“We are looking for a clear statement that indicates that the applicant can use the English language in a meaningful and effective fashion.”



以下为学生background essay第一段:

Being gifted with mathematics, I took part in many mathematical contests and won a lot of prizes in school, which made my parents and teachers proud of me. Without any hesitation, I chose Mathematics and Applied Mathematics as my major in college. Various mathematical courses made me feel the scope and profundity of mathematics. Out of my passion for my major, I started to solve some mathematical problems by programming.

导师点评:作为首段,交代了数学背景(参加很多竞赛、赢了很多奖项)、本科专业,并说自己开始探索编程。深究下来,真正有意义的只有最后一句。首句中,many、a lot of等的使用,以及“我爸妈以我为骄傲”的表述,都大大降低的文章的书面度和专业性,对于比赛的内容、级别和地域范围、竞争程度等也没有给出具体的补充,总的来说文章力度不足,细节不够。



More academically inclined in mathematics than peers, I have long been mesmerized by its watertight rigor, profundity and order. After the IMO 1990 hosted in China, there was a lengthy upsurge of Mathematical Olympiad studies and, out of intensive curiosity in the subject, I was among the few who won domestic medals and was inspired to explore deeper thusly. In 2008 I matriculated at Harbin Institute of Technology, majoring in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. On top of the systematic training, I started to solve mathematical problems by programming in real-life scenarios.



所谓“知易行难”,而在PS的“行”上,最好的解决办法,就是just do it,但也要不惜余力地去通彻地修改自己的PS。



