留学作业写作错误之Sentence Fragment
中国留学生在完成留学作业的时候难免会出现一些错误,而Sentence Fragment就是其中一种错误。为了帮助大家在留学作业中杜绝这种错误,本文致远教育小编为大家整理了一些技巧,或许对大家有用。
Sentence Fragment,中文翻译不统一,有的地方称作“残缺句”或者“碎片句”。
要了解什么是sentence fragment,我们需要先来了解一下什么是完整的句子。
Hurry up!
当然,大多数完整句子(complete sentence)是有主语的,简单的例子有:
He cried.
I won.
与complete sentence相对的,就是sentence fragment,不完整的句子。
先来从定义的角度看看什么是sentence fragment:
A sentence fragment is a phrase or clause that is punctuated as a sentence, but is not a grammatical sentence because it does not express a complete thought or there is a lack of either a subject or a verb.
由此我们看出,sentence fragment可以分为三种类型。
1.A fragment can be a dependent clause or phrase wrongly punctuated.
eg1.When the government controlled the social media.
eg2.Taking a workshop on self-discipline. He has stopped procrastinating.
When the government controlled the social media, a safer and greener internet environment could be provided to the public.
第二个例子的前半部分Taking a workshop on self-discipline是一个非谓语动词短语,taking这个动作是由主语he发出,因此中间的句号打错了,应该改为:
Taking a workshop on self-discipline, he has stopped procrastinating.
2. A fragment can be missing a subject.
Web shopping is expanding dramatically. Is threatening traditional stores.
By paying more attention to impressions than facts leads us to misjudge others.
第一个例子的后半部分Is threatening traditional stores.明显缺少主语。在中文里,在主语重复出现或者大家心知肚明的情况下可以省略,但是在英文中万万不能,中间一定要加上连词或者改为从句。这句话要改为:
Web shopping is expanding dramatically, and is threatening traditional stores.
Web shopping is expanding dramatically, so it is threatening traditional stores.
Paying more attention to impressions than facts leads us to misjudge others.
By paying more attention to impressions than facts, we misjudge others.
3. A fragment can be missing a main verb.
第三种情况,缺少动词,也是同学们常犯的错误。同学们常把由动词变化而来的非谓语形式放在在谓语应该出现的位置, 即主语之后。
1) 不定式(infinitive) e.g. to do
2) 过去分词 (past participle) e.g. done
3) 现在分词与动名词 (present participle and gerund) e.g. doing
People waving flags and cheering.
People are waving flags and cheering.
再来看一个错误示例:The missing technique used in ancient China.
应改为:The missing technique was used in ancient China.
以上就是致远教育小编为大家整理的关于Sentence Fragment这类错误的内容,希望大家在留学作业写作中要杜绝这种错误以免拿不到满意的分数。如果在留学作业写作方面有任何的困难,欢迎选择致远教育留学作业代写服务,原创保证,通过保障,满意售后,支持交稿后14天内免费无限次修改直到满意为止,售后无忧。