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Research Paper写作步骤

发布时间:2020-10-19 11:09:29 阅读:2130 作者:致远教育 字数:1321 字 预计阅读时间:4分钟

写一篇Research Paper需要你对你的主题有很强的了解,参考各种文献及资料,并对讨论的内容做出原创的贡献。前面的文章《Research Paper写作注意事项》为大家分享了写作注意事项,那么本文接着为大家分享Research Paper写作步骤。

Research Paper写作步骤

步骤一:Write the introduction  

Research Paper引言应该解决三个问题:What Why How








步骤二:Write a compelling body of text  

大多数作者面临的主要困难是如何组织论文中呈现的信息,这也是论文大纲如此有用的原因之一。你还可以使用你的thesis statement和 topic sentences 来构造你的正文内容 :

√ topic sentences against the thesis statement;

√ topic sentences against each other, for similarities and logical ordering;

√ and each sentence against the topic sentence of that paragraph.

√ Be aware of paragraphs that seem to cover the same things.

√ If two paragraphs discuss something similar, they must approach that topic in different ways.

√ Aim to create smooth transitions between sentences, paragraphs, and sections.

步骤三:Write the conclusion  



× Offer new arguments or essential information

× Take up any more space than necessary

× Begin with stock phrases that signal you are ending the paper (e.g. “In conclusion”)

步骤四:The second draft  


√ 检查你对论文的看法与初稿是否一致,更重要的是,你的论文是否仍然符合作业要求。

√ 如果你不能进一步证实这些观点,就删除它们,重新安排论文的内容。

√ 检查是否有不合适的部分,是否可以更好地组织你的想法。如果你发现旧的想法不像你预期的那样适合这篇文章,应该删除或精简它们。

√ 你可能还会发现,在写初稿的过程中出现了新的、非常合适的想法,可以把它们加在论文中。

步骤五:The revision process



√ 确认你的论文完成了assignment指定的每一项任务

√ 检查段落的逻辑

√ 对照引言和主题句检查段落


√ 每句话都有助于支撑主题句

√ 没有不必要或不相关的信息



步骤六:Research paper checklist

在提交论文之前,用这份 Research paper checklist 自查一下吧,如果以下几点都做到了,Meeloun小编相信你一定可以拿到高分 paper!

1.I’ve followed all instructions in the assignment sheet.

2.I’ve followed all formatting guidelines (page numbers added, identifying information included, spacing is right, font is uniform, etc.).

3.At the end of the paper I have a carefully formatted reference list, which conforms to the appropriate style manual’s guidelines (e.g. APA Style).

4.I have provided an appropriately formatted in-text citation for every piece of information from another source.

5.I’ve addressed any feedback from my professor or supervisor.

6.I have an interesting introduction, giving a sense of what my topic is, why it’s important, and how I will discuss it.

7.All of the key sub-arguments or claims are briefly pointed out or outlined in the introduction.

8.Near the beginning of each paragraph, I’ve used a good topic sentence.

9.Every paragraph is unified to convey one specific idea.

10.The relationship between each paragraph and the preceding paragraph or section is made clear by a good transition, in or before the topic sentence.

11.The relationship between each paragraph and the thesis of the paper is clear.

12.No paragraph is unreasonably short or long, being just long enough to explain or prove the point.

13.The relationship between each sentence and the preceding sentence is made clear, either through continuity in the topic matter or an appropriate transitional word or phrase.

14.I have a conclusion that does not present any new argumentative support to the thesis, does not merely repeat the information given in the introduction, and does not leave the reader unsatisfied or confused.

I’ve revised the document carefully, keeping in mind both global concerns and fine-grained details.

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