

发布时间:2021-12-13 15:02:58 阅读:2652


  • 作者:博远教育
  • 导读:本文是一篇优秀的有关网络教育的presentation范文,欢迎大家参考阅读。
  • 字数:927 字
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Will online education replace university in the future?

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. I'm honored to have the opportunity to share my analysis to the question:Will online education replace university in the future?

This presentation will be divided into five parts: my own experience, specific advantages and disadvantages of both online education and university, comparison between this two concepts, conclusion and answer to the question and suggestion for teachers and students to adjust this trend.

Firstly, I want to share something about my own experience. About three months ago when I just started my university here,I tried to challenge myself by fulfilling my time and learn things as much as possible. So I started to get to know the  ACCA. I consulted like four educational institutions and found out that their selling method of bundling online courses and reality teaching has surprisingly consistency. But what shocked me mostly is that the online courses of ACCA are generally two times more expensive than real classes. When did the online courses been so important? I started to question myself: where is the destination of the trend that online education is replacing classroom education?

Then let’s move on to talk about online courses and university’s specific advantages and disadvantages. Literally, online courses are courses taught through the website, no matter whether it’s free, particular, professional or live. The chart there tells us that the online courses’ listeners has been sharply rising ,which proves that online education is replacing university step by step.

The reason why it’s booming is that they combine the benefits of expert instruction with the convenience of the Internet. Also, competent teachers are capable to get rid of the limitation of traditional teaching models and promote multiple teaching pattern through the rapid development of online education.For students, its advantage can be concluded into two words: free and convenience. The application process is much easier and you can watch one class for a thousand times.Students who would otherwise go to libraries and offices for teachers don’t need to be concerned about such problems as traffic and communication .

The disadvantages of online education are mainly from its immaturity. While in online courses, students usually communicate either on the chat board or through e-mail, which avoids face-to-face communication in traditional classes. Such lack of direct contact may lead to emotional problems or lack of social skills. Moreover, as emerging industries themselves,the supervision and lawsuit can hardly catch the speed of their evolution, so under this situation,the market takes over the control,which leads to the uninsured quality of teaching from immoral companies which emphasize only the money they are capable to make.

Then let’s go for real classes’ advantages. As a most traditional mainstream, real classes are everyone grows up with. With a history of thousands of years, it provides a way more mature and strict system. More references, more precedents, it seems to be more reliable than online education.

With their potential complementation, the advantages of online education can basically explain the disadvantages of real classes, like inconvenience in time and location, difficulty in getting applications and limitation in learning contents. In addition, the reason why online education popularize especially at university is that colleague students have the most free schedule comparatively.

For the comparison, they have both similarities and differences. This is an universal formula to explain the constitution of them both. As teaching patterns, they are mad up by information,  communication and assignment.

Since we have introduced their advantages and disadvantages in details above, I’d like to summarize three differences: high and low flexibility, self-motivated and discipline, little and much social interaction. Although online schools provides more flexibility to fit everyone’s schedule, it provides less than minimum value’s social interaction. Universities have the whole principles to carry the teaching system to maximum the students’ studying efficiency which online education don’t. 

However, we have to aware that they have their own necessity of them both and it’s impossible for each of them to replace the other one. With the rapid development of modern society, the birth and development of online education is a necessity to adjust to the accelerating life speed. For real classes, the social connect is an original need for everyone.

Nowadays, many people have an impression that online courses are emphasized only in filing gaps from traditional teaching model. While in some part of view, it’s true, because basically every new business pattern is born to optimize the existing one. So my answer to the question, will online education replace university in the future is that online education education will not replace university in the future.The trend for online education to replace real classes is an inevitable trend but with both of them is necessity, it will finally stop somewhere.

At the end of the presentation, I would like to give some tips. Based on the level of online education nowadays, the best option is to combine the online education with university. The decision of percentage should be based on your detailed situation and study habits. In a word, it’s up to you.


