

发布时间:2021-07-26 16:27:02 阅读:3715


  • 作者:致远教育
  • 导读:本文是一篇Essay代写范文,本文主要讨论了成功的定义。我们都知道,我们每个人都希望成功,他们愿意为取得成功而牺牲很多。然而,不同的人对成功有不同的定义,对于什么是成功以及成功对他们意味着什么,他们有自己独特的看法。有人认为成功就是赚大钱,可以用社会地位和财富来衡量,也有人认为成功只与获得多少幸福有关。
  • 字数:1560 字
  • 预计阅读时间:5分钟


本文是一篇Essay代写范文,题目为:Definition Argument of Success,本文主要讨论了成功的定义。我们都知道,我们每个人都希望成功,他们愿意为取得成功而牺牲很多。然而,不同的人对成功有不同的定义,对于什么是成功以及成功对他们意味着什么,他们有自己独特的看法。有人认为成功就是赚大钱,可以用社会地位和财富来衡量,也有人认为成功只与获得多少幸福有关。


Definition Argument of Success


It is known to us that each and every one of us would like to be successful and they are willing to sacrifice a lot in order to achieve success. However, different people have different definitions toward success and they have their own exclusive view as for what success is and what success means to them. Some people hold that success is to make a lot of money and it can be measured by social status and wealth while others deem that success is only related with the amount of happiness one obtains. As far as I am concerned, success should be defined as the amount of happiness one has, the ability to become better and realizing a goal that seems beyond one’s own capacity as well as the competency to cultivate harmonious and peaceful relationships with people nearby.


Firstly, the amount of happiness one has can account for a great part of success. Happiness can be obtained in various ways and it is not always provided by involving in money (Shana Lebowitz. 2018). Without a lot of money, one can still find many potential ways to become happy and successful. For instance, to be loved is something that can make people happy. Most people believe that to be loved can bring them happiness and a life without life is not thoroughly complete so that they can not achieve success. Apart from that, one’s work can also determine how happy one is. Some people deem that it matters more to enjoy work and get less money than to hate work and get paid higher. It is success for one to work happily every day even if he can only get less money. We can suppose that a person who has a well-paying job while he complains about work every day and he is unhappy about his life, then can we say that he is successful? At the same time, how one enjoys what life gives him/her can exert an impact on one’s psychological success to a large extent (Steve Mueller. 2017). What is a pity to say is that the wide public has actually overlooked many significant aspects in life. Concerning this, family is a crucial aspect to value and one can achieve success from within. To perform the family role well can undoubtedly enable one to feel happy and successful.

Moreover, success can be measured by the ability to become better and realizing a goal that seems beyond one’s own capacity (Jo Bostock. 2014). People don’t have to be the best in order to become successful and they can be regarded as successful as long as they can become better than themselves at a previous moment. For example, students who always get an A continue to get an A may seem to be less successful than a student who usually gets a C get an A this time. It is a great progress for a usual C student to get an A while A-level students get an A cannot be seen as success. Accordingly, a runner who can only run a half marathon can now run a marathon can be seen as a success and it is a great personal achievement. At the same time, to realize a goal that seems beyond one’s own capacity is another kind of success because to realize a seemingly impossible goal can be seen as a breakthrough. Not every person can stick to the last minute even if they have set up their goal and most people will give up halfway when they feel afraid of the trouble in front of them. According to this, it is hard to detect the uneasiness for one to realize a seemingly impossible goal and the pains and sufferings one has experienced during the process of realizing that goal is definitely too much for one to stand in their daily life.

Last but not the least, to fulfill harmonious relationships with people nearby can as well be used to measure one’s success (Boris Groysberg and Robin Abrahams. 2014). Apparently, a good relationship can really play an important role in our daily life and such a relationship can influence one’s life to a large extent. However, it is quite hard for people to get along well with all kinds of people and cultivate harmonious relationships with each other. And to cultivate harmonious relationships has even bothered many leaders in the companies. Many leaders in the companies have to deal well with the employees so that the employees will be willing to follow their orders, which is right why rewarding relationships are quite common in the workplace (Boris Groysberg and Robin Abrahams. 2014). The more detailed case is that there will always be disputes between one another and they may not get along harmoniously afterwards. In this circumstance, there is no doubt that the cultivation of harmonious relationships with people nearby can really be regarded as success. And the cultivation of harmonious relationships can further help contribute to a series of mutual help and care, which can lead to the smooth solving of a series of issues later on.


To sum up, a reasonable conclusion can be drawn that success can really be defined as the amount of happiness one feels, the ability to become better and realizing a goal that seems beyond one’s own capacity together with the competency to cultivate harmonious and peaceful relationships with people nearby. However, many people have misunderstood success because they are eager to achieve success and they pay too much attention to the objective success rather than the subjective one so that they tend to pursue the material properties quite much. Based on this, it motivates me to explore what success is and what success means to me and it is hoped that it can help provide some insightful suggestions as for what success is for others.




