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Reflection Essay范文

发布时间:2022-02-13 16:10:30 阅读:2435


  • 作者:博远教育
  • 导读:ReflectionEssay也就是我们常说的反思性作文,文章的目的不仅仅是复述故事,更多的是引人入胜去吸引读者阅读,其内容主要是反思之前的学习生活的经历,从而提升自我批判性思维方式。通常是针对生活中的事件的写作,并写出因此产生的积极或者消极的影响。
  • 字数:1643 字
  • 预计阅读时间:4分钟


Reflection Essay也就是我们常说的反思性作文,文章的目的不仅仅是复述故事,更多的是引人入胜去吸引读者阅读,其内容主要是反思之前的学习生活的经历,从而提升自我批判性思维方式。通常是针对生活中的事件的写作,并写出因此产生的积极或者消极的影响。这对于提高我们的批判性思维能力是一种很好的锻炼。

Reflection Essay写作准备

1.Reflection Essay写作准备


与其他强调客观性的essay不同的是,一篇Reflection essay重点在于个人的见解,个人的感受,聚焦在自身身上。所以在写Reflection essay之前,必须明确我们想要反思的是什么,如何进行反思,以及对此带来的积极或消极的影响。相对忽略客观事实,而是专注于我们自身的简介。


在确认好主题内容后,要将自己的思路拟出一份提纲,看看结构和逻辑是否合适通畅,这在写Reflection essay的过程中是很重要关键的一步,该类型文章重反思,轻叙述,所以文章的结构很重要,要有充足的论据与清晰的论点,能够说服自己才能说服他人。在写作过程中要严格按照提纲进行,不要随便修改结构,这样可能会导致逻辑混乱,影响文章的质量。

2.Reflection Essay范文

合理应用可以使论文结构清晰,逻辑顺畅。所以,我们以一篇题为“Reflection on my Experience of Oral Presentation”为例,分析五段式reflection essay的结构。


As McLeod stated in his Workbook, participating in a learning group helps the participants to share experience, to explore difficult topics in more depth, to have an idea of how he or she is viewed by others, and many other vitally useful skills for counselling practice (McLeod, 53).



My personal experience of working in a group at my practical classes helped me a lot in deeper understanding and mastering the theory of counselling and, as a result, gaining the professional skills necessary for my future counselling practice. One of the most important experiences I have had at my practical classes was giving an oral presentation in front of the class. The task was to share our personal experience of being understood and misunderstood in a difficult situation to other students. The most challenging for me was speaking in front of the audience in English. I am an international student and English is not my native language that is why it was difficult for me to give a true and emotional presentation and to mind my grammar mistakes at the same time.



Stepping back and critically analyzing my speech I can remember now the trembling of my voice, awkwardness in my gestures and uneasiness of the whole situation. I could see the eyes of my fellow students staring at me and it seemed to me as if they were scrutinizing me all the time and were ready to notice the smallest mistakes in my language. At the same time I felt that regardless of my grammar mistakes my story was good, very emotional with many details. At the end of the speech I noticed that many students looked at me with sympathy and approval. After the class some of the students came up to me and expressed their admiration. I understood that in spite of my bad English and my nervousness my fellows liked my presentation. This means that I could make myself sound sincere, emotional and benevolent. These qualities will be very useful in the process of interviewing my future patients.

该段也是reflection essay的重点,即针对上述经历进行批判性思考与叙述。作者表示了自己在全班面前进行口头报告的不安与紧张,甚至对这些消极的情绪进行了较为详细的叙述,但同时又意识到了较为“积极”的一面,尽管很紧张,但却很真诚。这就是在反思过程中的批判性思考,对某件事物或经历的两面性进行辩证的分析,这也是反思论文所要着重表达的一方面。


To my mind my oral presentation was a great opportunity for me to test my personal skills of speaking out in front of the audience. Being an international student is very difficult but this fact helped me to reveal my complexes and now I know ho\A/ to overcome them. Nowadays one can meet students from all over the world almost in every educational establishment and I will try not to bother so much about my national identity, instead I will have to spend more time practicing my spoken English. Fritz Perls^ a noted German-born psychiatrist and psychotherapist, spoke English with a heavy accent but this did not prevent him from becoming one of the greatest Gestalt therapists of all times.





