1.Cash的会计定义:cash equivalent
包括纸币(cash),银行存款(cash at bank),现金等价物(Cash Equivalents,即短期的,流动性极高的投资,e.g.短期国债short term government bonds)
2.Profit and Cash: Are they identical ?
3.Cash flow statement: explains the change in “cash” position over reporting period 【某会计周期内现金的变动情况】-时段表
3个组成部分:Operating, Investing and Financing
(1)Cash Flows From Operating Activities 经营活动净现金流:net inflow or outflow from normal day-to-day trading operations.
Inflow: Cash received from customers
Outflow:payment of loan interest; electricity bills, rent, salary,tax…
(2)Cash Flows From Investing Activities 投资活动净现金流: Cash payments made to acquire additional non- current assets
Inflow: the disposal income of non-current assets; income from investments Dividend and Interest Income
Ouflow:purchase of non-current assets;purchase of stock investment
(3)Cash Flows From Financing Activities 筹资活动净现金流:Concerned with the long-term financing of the business.
Inflow: proceeds from loan ; proceeds from capital contribution from owners
Outflow:payment of loan principal; dividends payment to owners
1、Direct Method 直接法:搜集本会计期间内三类活动的所有现金收支明细,分类列示
缺点:This is method is unpopular because very detailed cash records need to be kept and constantly maintained.
2、Indirect Method间接法:从利润开始,加减调整项,得到
a. Depreciation expense折旧费用:影响利润,但不影响现金,故加回
b. Disposal of long term assets处置长期资产:是投资活动,不是经营活动,故减去处置收益,加回处置损失
c. Interest expense利息费用:不是支付的利息,故加回在利润中扣除的现金,最后再减去实际支付的利息interest paid
d. Inventories 存货的变动:存货数量增加,认为购置存货减少现金,故减去,存货数量减少,认为销售存货增加现金,故加回
e. Accounts receivables 应收账款的变动:应收账款减少,认为收回应收账款,故加回
f. Accounts payments 应付账款的变动:应付账款减少,认为支付应付账款,故减去