在国外大学课堂学习中,某些时候你的老师(Lecturer)给的阅读或者学习材料其实是某些人或者一些人对于一件事情的解读或者理解, 甚至有时候一个简单的事实,它可能实际上是一个人对一组信息的解释。你的老师可能会要求你去验证这个解读,去支持或者反驳他,同时可能会要求你去提供一些你自己的新观点。在留学作业写作中,你需要做的不仅仅是总结你所收集到的信息或复述课堂上讨论过的事实,更多的是要对这些材料形成一种观点或解释,并为你的论证(Argument)提供论证。
学术写作中,论证通常是一个主要观点,通常被称为“论点”或“论点陈述”,并有证据支持这个观点。在大多数的大学论文中,你需要提出一些主张或者立场,并使用证据来支持它并证明为什么你觉得这个观点是对的或者错的。在毕业论文中论证又可以被叫做你的研究问题 (Research Question)。学会去辩论或者提出反对意见其实对中国学生刚到国外来学习是个比较困难的事情,可能我们更擅长的是展示一个描述性的观点(Descriptive claim):
‘The two passages given describe the swamp in very different lights. Although they are in some ways familiar, the styles of the authors of these paragraphs are very different.’ (这两篇文章以截然不同的方式描述了沼泽。虽然他们在某些方面是相同的,但这两篇作者的写作风格是非常不同的。)
这种描述性的观点由于只要求学生关注在文章内容本身,学生只需要根据文章内容来说出自己的观点,而不用借助别的文章或者观点去支持你的论点。这也就达不到国外老师在写作中要求的辩证性思维(critical thinking), 也检测不到你对整个知识的理解,因此分数肯定就会很低。
Making a claim
学术写作中论点通常不能只是一个简单或明显的陈述,而是要求你对一件事或者一个人进行论证。举个例子; 'A student claimed that the Brazilian Samba was a slow graceful dance. '
这是一个好的论点吗? 显然不是,因为在谷歌之后你会发现: Samba is actually a fast-paced, rhythmic, and lively dance.
一个好的论证通常需要选择具有争议 (debatable)的事实或者现象,进而来表现出你的立场,可以是:
对一个事实或者理论:Are student grades really measure achievement?
对一件事的价值的好坏的判断:Climate change will be the greatest geopolitical crisis of your lifetime.
对一个事情的因果关系的理解:The new train that has been built, traveling from Beijing to Tibet. Many feel that this train will threaten the Tibetan culture and ancient way of life.
对一个问题的解决方法:Healthcare system does not adequately assist Americans (argue that this is a fact), they should be reformed (argue for the solution/policy).
Agree or disagree?
Some believe that people should not continue to work once they reach the age of retirement. Do you agree or disagree?
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programs (for example working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Reason and solution
In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing. What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?
Some people claim that it is acceptable to use animals in medical research for the benefit of human beings, while others argue that it is wrong. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
缩小范围 keep it narrow
你的论文的论证不仅仅只是一个陈述或者观点,更应该涉及到“ so what?” ,就是为什么我们要关注到这个点。
举个例子,如果这篇文章说写好学术论文的第一步就是要有个清晰的论证。 The first step of writing an academic essay is having a good argumentation. 那你的论证应该是什么呢?
‘I believe having a clear argumentation is the first step of writing a good academic essay, because it can make the readers to be clear about your position in the essay and easier to follow.’