1. 第一段,先表明来意,说明个人要申请的专业以及何时申请。同时礼貌性地询问老师是否愿意为你写作推荐信。
2.第二段,帮助老师回忆你与他的故事,例如你上过他的课程,你在他课程上写过的期中论文和期末论文,又或者做过的presentation,乃至于某个project以及portfolio等等。总之,请记得,推荐信同样需要论证,老师也不希望写泛泛而谈的评价,基于证据的评价(evidence-based assessment)也是最有说服力的。为什么要这样?因为一个班很多人,没有老师真的可以记住跟每个学生每一个故事,甚至有不少老师可能都会让学生提供初稿。
3. 第三段,说明一下自己附上的文件。例如CV, essay, dissertation, 又或者是自己即将要申请的programme list,让老师知道你要申请的专业数量以及申请什么国家和地区。同时告诉他们大约的时间和deadline。
4. 最后,如果你是转专业的,也请告诉老师,你CV当中有什么实习经历或者科研经历,让你产生了某些知识转向,同时也可能有了更加清晰的职业规划,因此才计划进行转专业申请。如果推荐人确实要为你写一封强推(strong recommendation),他一定会帮助你说明你的clear goal跟你的知识转向有什么关系,为什么这些programme会助益于你的人生发展。
Dear Prof. Peter Ho,
I hope this letter finds you well.
At the current stage, I am planning to apply for admissions of the graduate programmes of 2022-2023 academic year in the UK. So, I am writing to request a recommendation from you to support my applications.
In the past two years, I have taken two of your courses namely Poltical Sociology and Social Movements Studies in 2019 spring term and 2020 fall term respectively. As I can recall, I sumitted two summative essays to you, which disscuss the relationship between accountability politics and authoritarian resilience, and the comteporary debates in the new directions in the theory of political opportunity structure, respectively. They have been highly appreciated by you, as evidenced in the positive remarks and high scores.
Aside from the performance in the degree course requirements, I also collaborated with you to conduct the fieldwork on the anti-incinerator protest, from which we have developed it to a publication whose main aim is to unravel the theoretical puzzle about the relationship between protest diffusion wave and the resources mobilization in authoritarian setting.
As you may know, I am taking up a major in Journalism and Communication, which is not the best discipline for me to explore my intellectual interests in the field of comparative politics and political sociology. I suppose that my education experience as an exchange student under your guidance has made me determined to transer my academic concerns from Communication Studies to Sociology in Master's progremme, which could serve as the foundation for me to further my intellectual explorations in the field of Social Movement Studies.
Please find attached my CV including my education background, internship experience, research projects and publication list. Also, you could also find my submitted essays in the attachments. I assume that they might be helpful for you to write a strong recommendation. Last but not the least, I have also attached the programme list that I have selected, which includes the MA in Sociological Research at University of Manchester, MPhil in Sociology(politics and economics) at Cambridge University, MSc in Politics and Society at LSE etc.. The respective deadline for each programme is clearly informed by this Excell document.
If you need more information, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for reading my email and I am very much looking to hearing from you.