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计算机科学(Computer Science)论文选题推荐

发布时间:2022-01-25 10:47:37 阅读:1684 作者:博远教育 字数:2240 字 预计阅读时间:5分钟

Computer Science计算机科学在英国各个大学都属于热门专业,今天博远教育给大家带来了计算机科学(Computer Science)论文选题推荐,供有需要的同学们参考。







Intro写完以后会写一章相关工作,Related Work不是记流水账(比如甲用了idea A,乙用了idea B,丙用了idea C),而是要比较这些论文,阐述各自的优缺点。

Related Work写完后,你需要写一个Overview来总括你的问题和解决方案。最好想一个最最简单的例子,然后使用这个例子引出你要解决的问题。






1.     Artificial intelligence/人工智能

2.     Computer science/计算机科学

3.     Software engineering/软件工程

4.     Network security网络安全

5.     Data Science/数据科学

6.     Information technology/信息技术

7.     Information security/信息安全

8.     Human computer interaction/人机交互

9.     C language/C语言

10.  Computer application basis/计算机应用基础

11.  Local area network/局域网组建

12.  Computer Assembly and Maintenance/计算机组装与维修


01 Artificial intelligence 人工智能

1. How to choose the right algorithm for machine learning?


2. Supervised vs. unsupervised machine learning: compare & contrast


3. Deep learning & artificial neural network.


4.  A comparison of model-free & model-based reinforcement learning        algorithms.


5.  How do social robots interact with humans?


6. Natural language processing: chatbots


7. How does natural language processing produce natural language?


8. Computer vision application: autonomous cars.


9. Recommender systems: content-based recommendation vs. collaborative filtering.


10. Internet of things & artificial intelligence: the interconnection


02 Information technology 信息技术

11.  Role of Technology in Business and Advertising.


12.  Technology and Communication Connection: Benefits and Shortcomings


13.  Moral and Ethical Issues in Technology Today.


14.  Ethics in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)


15.  The Relationship Between IT and Economic Performance.


16.  Perception and Awareness of Teachers about Technology Integration in Special Needs Education.


17.  The Role of Technology in Making Important Health Decisions.


18.  Processing of Intel and AMD: Chipset Technology.


19.  Health Information Technology and the Importance of Its Selection.


20.  The Role of Technology in Economic Development and the Process in uk.


03 Computer application basis计算机应用基础

21.  How the development of IP networks relate to the environment.


22.  How dynamic proxies helps in supporting RMI in a mobile environment.


23.  The role of the computer in the making of face masks.


24.  How computer has aided in the making of modern ventilators


25.  Ways in which the computer has helped spread the news of new covid 19 cases around the world.

     计算机如何帮助在全世界传播新的covid 19病例的消息

26.  How computer study has helped in creating new software in the modern world.


27.  Careers in web development through the study of computer science.


28.  How to gain basic programming skills and software development when study computer science.


29.  Advanced skills in programming, software development, and basic computing skills.


30.  How learning has become simple with the introduction of online classes.


04 Communications and Media 通讯和媒体

31.  New media: the importance of ethics in the process of communication


32.  Media during the disasters: increasing panic or helping reduce it?


33.  Authorities’ media representations in different countries: compare & contrast.


34.  Media exposure and its influence on adolescents.


35.  The impact of mass media on personal socialization.


36.  How do people use hype in the media?


37.  Is it possible to build trustful relationships in virtual communication?


38.  How to maintain privacy in social media?


39.  How has the interpersonal communication changed with the invention of computers?


40.  How enterprises use ICT to get a competitive advantage?


05 Computer Science & Engineering 计算机科学与工程

41.  How are virtual reality & human perception connected?


42.  Computer science & high-dimensional data modeling.


43.  The use of blockchain and AI for algorithmic regulations.


44.  Banking industry & blockchain technology.


45.  How does the machine architecture affect the efficiency of code?


46.  How is mesh generation used for computational domains?


47.  The development of computer graphics: non-photorealistic rendering case.


48.  The development of the systems programming languages.


49.  Theoretical computer science in functional analysis.


50.  Is it possible to eliminate phishing?


06 Network security网络安全

51.  Practical solutions to phishing attacks.


52.  The relationship between social networking and digital safety.


53.  What are the primary motivators of data breaches and hacks?


54.  How does an authorization system function?


55.  The economic impact of cyberattacks.


56.  The evolution of ransomware in the cybersecurity space.


57.  Pervasive spectrum sharing for public safety communications.


58.  Synchronizing devices and impacts of internal safety.


59.  Why public Wi-Fi should be avoided?


60.  What are the privacy and security issues associated with chatbots?


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