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发布时间:2023-01-06 15:10:12 阅读:404 作者:博远教育 字数:1698 字 预计阅读时间:4分钟

转学文书是学生申请转学时需要写的,一些学校会让未来的转学生使用Common App和UC加州系统申请,个别院校只能通过Coalition Application进行申请,例如哥伦比亚大学。所以这里主要讲讲Common App和UC加州系统本科转学的文书要求吧!


Common App系统中的文书部分,除了额外的小文书外,本科新生涉及到活动列表10个和5个奖项,一篇7选1的650字的主文书。本科转学也有活动列表的要求,但奖项和活动在数量上没有额外要求,能更多去呈现优势、多样性,而且文书同样是七选一的主文书!


UC的本科新生文书是8选4,字数要求350字以内,本科转学文书同样是8选4,包括1篇必答和7选3的文书,选题前最好做好搭配,学术、个性、社区活动都能均衡,这样展示出来的形象会比较立体。虽然它没有像Common  App那样650字的大文书,但也不能小看。










如果你申请的转学学校没有单独的Why School文书,那你必须在补充文书里花一个段落的空间来描述意向学校的具体资源如何能帮到你。

如果你申请的转学学校有单独的Why School文书,那在这里你可以简单提及意向学校的项目名称、教授名字、课程名字等,证明你对申请学校做了充分的研究,你知道想要学习什么。





Three countries, eight cities, 11 houses with six families, and ten schools. During my frequent moves from Korea, Canada, and the U.S., fashion has provided a consistent creative outlet. In elementary school, I painted magazine covers; in high school, I got creative with my strict dress code; in college, I built my own jewelry brand “Horizon Jewelry” for a marketing project which sparked my interest in marketing.

I attended Chapman for its programs in communications as well as its proximity to L.A., which offered internships in fashion. However, as a full-time student who planned to work an on-campus job and lived an hour away, I was unable to apply for my desired internships that required their interns to be locally based and dedicate at least 15 hours. 

Furthermore, my major Strategic and Corporate Communication did not incorporate my interests in fashion and film. Recognizing the incompatibility between my major and intended career path, I applied and was accepted as a PR and Advertising major at Chapman University Dodge College. However, the school did not offer any fashion courses.

I found opportunities for development by joining a professional business fraternity, Alpha Kappa Psi. Through events, I learned professional interview etiquette and received feedback on my resume and elevator pitch. I developed my leadership skills as an organizer of our social events. These experiences taught me the value of constructive criticism and improved my public speaking skills. 

I also worked for Chapman’s Disability Center. I assisted disabled students and served as a liaison between students and professors, which led me to join my  fraternity’s service committee where I volunteered at the City Net Bake Fest, serving the homeless population. 

After discovering my interest in marketing, I began a telemarketing position for Chapman Fund. I call Chapman community members to build relationships, provide campus news, and raise money for the university. This job has allowed me to possess excellent communication and customer service skills. 

While working on-campus, I continued to search for opportunities in fashion. In January 2019, I discovered a remote marketing internship with Relovv, a sustainable fashion marketplace. Through Relovv, I’ve learned how to create content to advertise on Relovv’s Instagram stories, recruit members, and contribute to organizing influencer collaborations. 

Now, I’m ready to move onto the next phase of my education studying Media, Culture, and Communication at NYU Steinhardt.

My dream is to create global campaigns for fashion or film organizations that prioritize conveying underrepresented messages, and ultimately work at Refinery29 or Kenzo. Outside class, I plan to gain more experience in the fashion industry as a fashion marketing intern at Lie Sang Bong, a brand originated in Korea. I believe NYU’s unique communications degree which incorporates fashion and marketing will provide me with the necessary tools for my career path. 




