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Persuasive Essay写作方法全解

发布时间:2020-05-18 14:12:32 阅读:7488 作者:致远教育 字数:827 字 预计阅读时间:3分钟

Persuasive Essay严格意义上来说是Argumentative Essay的一种,甚至有的老师可能会把它和argumentative essay划上等号。本文致远教育小编为大家分享Persuasive Essay写作方法全解。

Persuasive Essay写作方法全解

Persuasive Essay写作目的

Persuasive 是“劝说”“说服”的意思,那顾名思义,这一类型的文章就是要去劝服读者。关于某一个论题,作者持有一个自己的观点,尝试着去说服持不同观点的人来信服自己的观点。


因为我们的立场非常鲜明和坚定,那么也就说明,我们写作的语言风格会不同于其他文章使用比较多的委婉语气,例如: can, it seems like等。

在写作persuasive essay的时候,我们的语言会要强硬一些,可以使用到类似于must, undoubtedly之类比较绝对的词语。

Persuasive Essay写作结构

对于persuasive essay来说,这个文章结构几乎是全球统一的基本结构。

Persuasive Essay写作结构


1.body paragraph 3,通常需要同学们提出一个counter argument,也就是“反方辩手”可能提出的反驳观点,然后你要去提出refutation, 即说明对方这个观点是错误的。在中文里,我们把这个过程叫做“驳论”,通过驳斥对方的观点来证明自己观点的正确。



Persuasive Essay写作常用表达

最后附上一些persuasive essay常用句式

·Adding more to a point already made

Moreover; Furthermore; Again

Further; what is more; In addition

Besides; Above all; As well (as)

either; neither...nor; not only...but also;

similarly; in the same way; indeed

in fact; in reality; it is found that...

as for; as to; with respect to; regarding

·Writing inlists

first(|y); second(ly); third(ly)

another: yet another; in addition; finally

to begin with; in the second place

moreover; additionally; also

next; then; and to conclude; lastly; finally

·Putting the same Idea in a different way

in other words; rather; or; better; in that case

to put it (more) simply; in view of this;With this in mind

to look at this another way

·Introducing examples

that is to say; in other words

for example; for instance: namely: an example of this is

as follows; as in the following examples: such as; including

especially; particularly: in particular: notably; chiefly: mainly; mostly

·Introducing an alternative viewpoint

by contrast; another way of viewing this is;alternatively; again; rather;

one alternative is; another possibility is...

on the one hand...on the other hand

in comparison; on the contrary; in fact;though: although

以上就是关于persuasive essay写作方法详解的全部内容,通过这次的分享,小编希望大家能够掌握这种写作方式的基本结构,并且了解相关的用词并熟练运用。当然,这一种写作形式对大家的逻辑要求也是非常高的,建议同学们平时也可以多看看英文辩论比赛,或阅读大量的英文新闻来积累相关知识。

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