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发布时间:2020-05-19 16:18:09 阅读:11993 作者:致远教育 字数:596 字 预计阅读时间:2分钟



An example from accounting & finance


This report provides information 
obtained through ratio analysis,regarding the profitability, liquidity and financial stability of Outdoor Equipment Ltd for the years 1993-1995. This report will pay particular attention to the earning power, liquidity and credit management, inventory managementand debt management, and will highlight major strengths and weaknesses while offering some explanation for observed changes. The report will comment on the prospects of the company and make recommendations that would improve Outdoor Equipment’s Ltd’s current performance. These observations do have limitations which will be noted. This report will explain how a cash flow statement and a prospectus could enhance analysis.
terms of reference &methods

terms of referenceand outline of report’s structure

outline of report’s structure

Excerpt from Woodward-Kron, R. (1997) Writing in Commerce: a guide to assist Commerce students with assignment writing, (Revised edition), Centre for the Advancement of Teaching and Learning, The University of Newcastle.


An example from marketing


In Australia there are close to one million business buyers. This is far short of approximately 18 million consumers but the total sales volume in the business market far surpasses the total sales to the consumer market. Although business buying behaviour and consumer buying behaviour are similar because they both involve individuals making purchasing decisions, the differences between the buying behaviours of these groups is of greater significance.
 These differences are important in understanding the behaviour of business buying and consumer buying markets. 

Officeworks is a branch of Australia’s leading retail group Coles Myer Ltd. Launched in 1994, it was aimed to cater specifically for the needs of small business, the home office and students. It has approximately 40 stores and is continually adding new stores Australia wide. Its range of products include all office supplies such as stationary, computers and other business machines, furniture and office kitchen and bathroom supplies. Officeworks is a company that experiences both consumer buying and business buying.Officeworks will be used as an example in this report to illustrate the difference between consumer and business buying behaviour. Its marketing strategy will be assessed to see how it incorporates and has been influenced by both consumer and business buyers. Finally, recommendations will be made about how its marketing strategy could be expanded to further meet the needs of business buyers.
Background to the research problem

Statement of the research problem

Background to the case study

Relationship between the case study and the research problem highlighted.

Outline of report’s structure




