MLA格式是留学作业写作中常用引用格式,MLA格式即现代语言协会(Modern Language Association)规定的形式。MLA格式引用广泛,本文致远教育小编为大家总结了19种常见的引用格式范例,帮助大家学会引用MLA格式。
1. 一本书,一个作家
Mellow, James R. Hemingway: A Life Without Consequences. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Companise, 1986.
William, Writ. The Tragic Art of Ernest Hemingway. Boston: Louisiana State University Press, 1981.
2. 一本书, 两、三个作家
Gaston, Thomas E., andBret H. Smith. The Research Paper—A Common Sense Approach. New Jersey: Prentice—Hall, Inc, 1988.
Ferney, Derrik, Paul Hartley, and Gareth Thomas. Handbook for Multilingual Business Writing. Lincoln wood. Tuionois: NYS
Business Books, a Division of National Textbook Company, 1988.
需要注意: 本书有两个多作家或编者的时候,一般第一个作家或编者先写姓然后是名, 而另外的作家或编者就按一般顺序,即名+姓来写。姓名被逗号分开的, 之前需要加and。
3. 一本书,三个多作家
Britton, James, etal. The Development of Writing Abilities (11-18). London: Macmillan Education, 1975.
Beuah, Robert N., etal. Habits of the Heart: An Introduction to Literary Criticism. Boston: D.C. Heath and Company, 1961.
需要注意: et.al. 是拉丁文“et alibi”的缩写, 意思是“及其他“。
4. 编辑的书
如果编者是一个人, 那就editor 被ed. 替代的。
Benson, Jackson, ed. The Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway: Critical Essays. Durbam, North Carolina: Durk University Press, 1975.
如果编者为两个多人,那editors是被eds. 代替的。
Kinney, Arthru F., Kenneth W. Kuiper, and Lynn Z. Bloom, eds. Symposium. Boston: Houghton Mifflim Company, 1969.
5. 既有作家又有编者的书
Pound, Ezra. Selected Letters. Ed. D.D.Paige. London: Faberand Faber, 1950.
Voolf, Virginia. The Novels. Ed. Herlnionelee. London: Methuen&CoLtd, 1977.
需要注意: 此时作家的姓名用姓+名的顺序,而其后编者的姓名用名+姓的顺序。
6. 翻译的书
Boll, Heinrich. End of a Mission. Trans. Leila Vennewitz. New York: McGraw—Hill Book Company, 1974.
Hesse, Hermann. Beneath The Wheel. trans. Michael Roloff. New York: Farrar, Strausand Giroux, 1968.
7. 未署名的作品
这时按书名的第一个字母顺序排列,但不算若第一个字母为a, an, the。
TheTimes Atlas of the World. 5th ed. New York Times. 1975.
The World Almanacand Book of Facts. NewYork: World Almanac —Pharos, 1933.
8. 多卷本书中的一卷
Magil, Frank N.,ed. Master plot Ⅱ.vol. 2. New Jersey: Salem Press, 1992.
如果每个卷有独立的标题的话,那就把该卷书的标题及出版信息列出, 然后再列出卷的编号、整卷本的书名、总卷数及出版日期。
Churchill, Winston S. Triumph and Tragedy. Boston: Houghton, 1953.
Vol. 6 of The Second World War. 6 Vols. 1948-1953.
9. 系列书中的一本
Series被ser. 替代的
Moss, Leonard. Authur Miller. Twayne United States Authors’ser.115. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1980.
Small, Miriarn Rossiter. Oliver Wendell Holmes Twayne United States Authors’ser. 29.New Haven, Connecticut: College and University Press, 1962.
10. 非首次编辑的书
Bailey, Sydney D. British Parliamentary Democracy. 3rd ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1971.
Spatt, Brenda. Writing from Sources. 2nd ed. New York: St. Martin’s, 1987.
Therapleton, Mary M. Introduction. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. New York: Airmont Publishing Company, Inc, 1965.
Odell, Lee. Foreword. Writing across the Disciplines: Researcher, eds. Upper Montclair, NJ: Boynton, 1986.
Gerin, Winifrecd. Emily Bronte: A Biography. 1971. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1972.
需要注意: 1971是第一次出版的时间,1972是以后印刷出版的时间。
Lawrence, D. H. The Lost Girl. 1920. New York: Penguin Book, 1980.
13. 百科全书或字典
Young, Philip. “Hemingway, Ernest”. Encyclopedia Britannica. 1977
Coffin, Tristramp. “Yankee”. Encyclopedia American. 1989.
14. 选集、文集、文选中的一篇文章
Connoly, Cyril. “New Statesrnan“. Hemingway: The Critical Heritage. Ed. Jeffrey Meyers. Boston: Routledge&Kegan Paul, 1982. 226-230.
Lispector, Clarice. “The Departure of the Train.”Trans. Alexis Levitin. Latin American Writers: Thirty stories. Ed.Gabriella Ibieta. New York: St. Martin’s, 1993. 245-258.
15. 双月刊或单月刊杂志中的一篇文章
除了作家姓名、文章标题与杂志名称以外,还需列出出版年、月份和该文出现在杂志中的页码。除了May, June, and July,月份都需要用缩写的形式。不用提及第几期及其发行号码。为月刊月份之间还需加上一个连字符。
Jenkinson, Len. “Better Then Winning the Irish Sweep.” London Magazine Feb-Mar. 2001:3-4.
16. 周刊中的诗歌,文章、故事等
Gray, Paul. “The Tan Dynasty.”Time 5 Mar. 2001:46.
17. 日报中的一篇文章
Gorney, Cynthia. “When the Corille Speaks.”Washington Post31 Jan. 1998: B1
Field, Roger Kenneth. “Automated Medicine.”The New York Times 31 Jan. 1971, Sec. 1:1.
18. 专题采访
Holden, James. Personal Interview. 12 Jan. 1993.
Morser, John. Professor of Political Science, U of Wisconsin. Television Interview. 15 Dec. 1993.
“Emissary”. Srar Trek: Deep Space Nine. Teleplay by Michael Pillar. Dir. David Carson. Fox. Welx, West Palm Beach, FL. 9 Jan. 1993.