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宾夕法尼亚大学Why School Essay范文

发布时间:2021-03-10 13:53:32 阅读:2126


  • 作者:致远教育
  • 导读:本文是一篇宾夕法尼亚大学WhySchoolEssay范文,欢迎阅读。
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本文是一篇宾夕法尼亚大学Why School Essay范文,欢迎阅读。


WHY Penn?

I want to be a catalyst when I grow up, someone who sparks growth while also trying to sustain the environment through improved efficiency. At UPenn, I look forward to pursuing a major in Mechanical Engineering and exploring interdisciplinary programs, as I believe that sustainability can be a viable solution to preserve earth’s resources.


At the GRASP laboratory, I hope to work at the Haptics Lab under Professor Katherine Kuchenbecker to devise an integrated haptic-responsive camera trap. I believe that the use of teleoperation (in camera traps) in wildlife censuses and studies can be a potential gamechanger in a geologically diverse country like India. I also feel that haptics interfaces can catalyze the process of discovering and studying unexplored biodiversity hotspots like the Western Ghats and the high-rising Himalayas. Besides this, I would also really get a chance to perfect my butterfly stroke through stroke rehabilitation at the Haptics Lab!

在GRASP实验室,我希望在Katherine Kuchenbecker教授的触觉实验室工作,设计一个集成的触觉响应相机陷阱。我相信在野生动物普查和研究中使用远程操作(摄像机陷阱)在印度这样一个地理位置多样的国家可能是一个潜在的游戏规则改变者。我还觉得触觉界面可以催化发现和研究未开发的生物多样性热点的过程,比如西高止山脉和高耸的喜马拉雅山。除此之外,我还真的有机会通过触觉实验室的中风康复来完善我的蝶泳!

In addition, hands-on project courses like Machine Design and Manufacturing and Product Design will help me in developing, testing and prototyping product permutations, and through ISAC Program 2018, I would love to advocate for a course called Environmentally Sustainable Product Design, as I feel that a product’s longevity in a market is directly related to its environmental sustainability.


I believe that little sparks of innovation can turn into developed businesses if given the right acceleration and, having already negotiated a deal with the software company Everlution Software Ltd. for my eco-friendly innovation ‘Water Wave’, I look forward to using the opportunities at IGEL to turn my innovations into sustainable technological ventures. After accompanying my father to joint-venture meetings across Europe, I have picked upon certain technical aspects of negotiations such as the influence of ‘EBITDA’, the use of inter-cultural body language to change mindsets and the long-drawn-out process of Due Diligence. Courses like Engineering Negotiations will advance my skills in the subtle art of negotiation and develop my thinking in high-pressure situations.

我相信,只要有适当的加速,小小的创新火花就能转化为发达的企业,而且我已经与软件公司Everlution software Ltd.就我的环保创新“水波”达成了协议,我期待着利用IGEL的机会将我的创新转化为可持续的技术冒险。在陪同父亲参加了欧洲各地的合资企业会议之后,我选择了谈判的某些技术方面,如“息税折旧摊销前利润”的影响、使用跨文化肢体语言来改变心态以及长期的尽职调查过程。像工程谈判这样的课程将提高我在谈判的微妙艺术中的技能,并发展我在高压情况下的思维。

I look forward to contributing in unconventional ways: through Penn’s policy of Climate Action 2.0, I’d love to help increase the efficiency of alternative energy machinery through responsive auto-sensors and I would also contribute to the establishing of wildlife corridors at UPenn by conducting case studies at the Morris Arboretum with the help of the Penn Green Fund. I also look forward to engaging in bird photography and ornithology by being an active member of the Penn Birding Club and potentially conducting fall bird censuses to illuminate for students the birdlife that nestles in the university. I hope to photograph and document each and every one of the 104 species (Morris Arboretum Checklist) of birds at UPenn. Furthermore, courses like Documentary Strategies and Photographic Thinking will help me better integrate critical thought into my photos and construct out-of-the-box documentaries to put into perspective environmental sustainability at UPenn. Also, contributing photo essays to the Penn Sustainability Review will allow me to depict the need for a change, beyond words.


UPenn will also help me pursue a multitude of activities at its various clubs such as Penn Cricket Club, PennNaatak, where I hope to spark my flair for Marathi Drama, and men’s club basketball (I was all state for three years!).


As I move with a redefined pace towards the goal of global sustainability, I am reminded of the UPenn ideology of addressing the most challenging questions and problems of our time by integrating and combining different disciplines and perspectives. Through my stay at UPenn, I hope to do just that.



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