

发布时间:2021-04-02 15:49:55 阅读:1902


  • 作者:致远教育
  • 导读:本文是一篇优秀的essay代写范文分享,这篇Essay主要讨论了通信系统的风险。信息系统作为运营商网络中的一个核心组成部分,有必要对其风险问题进行研究,以确保通信安全。信息安全主要来源于通信和信息息系统的要求进一步提高,其潜在威胁无论从事故后果还是波及面都在逐步扩大。
  • 字数:1911 字
  • 预计阅读时间:6分钟


本文是一篇优秀的essay代写范文分享,题目为:Risk of communication systems,这篇Essay主要讨论了通信系统的风险。信息系统作为运营商网络中的一个核心组成部分,有必要对其风险问题进行研究,以确保通信安全。信息安全主要来源于通信和信息息系统的要求进一步提高,其潜在威胁无论从事故后果还是波及面都在逐步扩大。


           Risk of communication systems

As a core component of the carrier network, the information system is necessary to study its risk problem to ensure the security of communication. This paper sums up the risk factors and evaluation methods in communication system, and uses the fuzzy evaluation method based on entropy weight coefficient method to evaluate the risk of communication system, and the actual communication system and the evaluation result obtained by this method are consistent with the real communication system. Thus, it is proved that the evaluation of this method can get more impartial and objective results.


Information security mainly comes from communication and information system, with the application of wide-area security defense system, the request for communication and information system is further improved, and its potential threat is gradually enlarged in both the accident consequence and the spread surface. Therefore, the carrier's information security has become the key problem that affects the communication system's stable operation. How to evaluate and measure the security of carrier communication system has been difficult to find a standard method to generalize. Risk assessment, as an indispensable method and evaluation means of information system security analysis, can be used for reference in the research of communication system. This paper sums up the risk factors of communication system and the evaluation method of information system risk, and evaluates the risk of information system by using the fuzzy evaluation method of entropy weight coefficient method.


Information security technology is an important aspect to ensure the stable operation of communication system, so the risk problem of communication system must be paid enough attention. In order to meet the needs of the information and communication network, we need to build a high-speed, broadband, self-healing, strong information and communication network to support the flexible access to multiple services. The key factor of the security construction of information system is to enhance the security strategy and improve the defensive ability of the network. and the source of information system attacks mainly 2 aspects: from the network internal attack mode, internal area network users in the process of work, modify some important data or arbitrarily change access rights, access to improper web sites or the release of some expressly prohibited speech and other serious threat to the security of the communication system, Will bring a very serious economic loss to the corresponding operators, the mode of attack through the external network, such as virus intrusion, steal research results, disrupt communication facilities and change important data to cause harm. Through practical experience, it is concluded that the main factors that cause the risk of communication system are as follows.

The risk of communication system is not to be neglected, it is necessary to evaluate the risk of communication system effectively in order to make a reasonable assessment of the security of Communication network. The guidance function of information system risk assessment is not negligible, and the evaluation method used is also very important to the effectiveness of evaluation. The selection of evaluation methods can affect every aspect of the evaluation, so it is necessary to select the appropriate information system risk assessment method according to the information system's specific situation. In general, the risk assessment method can be divided into 3 categories.

Quantitative Evaluation method: refers to the use of quantitative indicators to assess the risk of the method. The classical quantitative evaluation analysis method has the clustering analysis method, the regression model, the factor analysis method and the time series model and so on. The advantage of quantitative evaluation analysis method is to quantify the size and severity of the risk by data, which can improve the operability of the operation mechanism and the rules and regulations, and it seems more intuitive. The application of quantitative risk analysis method can greatly improve the scientificity, rigor and professionalism of the research results. A simple data to quantify a specific event, so that it seems to be a clear glance, to avoid the risk factors to simplify and blur the false identification.

Qualitative evaluation methods: mainly based on some of the information on the risk of the system to determine the status of a process, the main early knowledge, lessons learned, national policy changes and special cases. The most widely used risk analysis method is the personal basic data obtained by the thorough understanding of the subject, then the data is collated and edited by a deduction and deductive algorithm, and the corresponding investigation conclusion is made on this basis. This method ignores the probability of events, and focuses only on the damage caused by the threat event. Most qualitative risk analysis methods determine the level of security risk through the threats, weaknesses, and measures that can be controlled. In the process of qualitative assessment, only specify expectations, rather than using specific data, set the probability value and impact value of each risk is "low", "medium", "High". The typical qualitative analysis method has the factor analytic method, the Logical analysis Method and Delphi method. The qualitative evaluation method avoids the shortcoming of the quantitative method, can excavate some deep thoughts, make the evaluation conclusion more comprehensive and profound, but its subjectivity is very strong, it is very high for the evaluators.

A comprehensive evaluation method combining qualitative and quantitative: The risk assessment of information system is not a simple process, it needs to consider many factors, some factors can be expressed in the form of quantification, while some factors are difficult or impossible to quantify, so it is not advisable to pursue quantification in the process of risk assessment. The risk assessment process, which says that everything is quantified, is not scientifically sound. Quantitative analysis is the precondition and foundation of qualitative analysis, and qualitative analysis can reveal the law of the internal occurrence of objective things only on the basis of quantitative analysis data. Qualitative analysis is the core, is the formation of ideas, concepts, make judgments, and finally draw conclusions should rely on. The method of comprehensive evaluation is to combine the 2 methods of quantitative analysis and qualitative analysis rationally, so as to make the evaluation result more objective and impartial. In the future evaluation process, the problem of structure is very strong, it can adopt quantitative analysis method, the qualitative analysis method should be adopted for unstructured problem, the qualitative and quantitative evaluation method is adopted to solve the problems of structural and unstructured characteristics.

Risk is related to the probability of risk events and the impact of risk events, so we can assess the size of the communication system risk with risk degrees. Risk is a function of the probability p and the risk event to affect C. There is a certain ambiguity in estimating the probability and impact of risk events, and in the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, if the weights of each risk event are obtained by using the entropy weight coefficient method, the subjectivity of the expert directly assigned value can be overcome. Thus, the risk assessment of communication system is more scientific and reliable.

As an effective method of security evaluation of information system, risk assessment is an important method to evaluate the potential risk of communication information system in the future. In this paper, 3 kinds of common risk assessment methods are summarized and compared. It also evaluates the risk events of the communication system using fuzzy risk assessment, and expounds the evaluation method of the entropy weight coefficient method, so that it can get more impartial and objective results by using the entropy weight coefficient method.



