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Essay代写范文-The Yellow Wallpaper

发布时间:2021-04-02 15:58:35 阅读:2337


  • 作者:致远教育
  • 导读:本文是一篇优秀的essay代写范文分享,这篇Essay范文主要讨论了小说《黄色壁纸》。《黄色壁纸》是美作家夏洛特·珀金斯·吉尔曼创作的短篇小说,被称为早期女权主义的重要著作。
  • 字数:1953 字
  • 预计阅读时间:6分钟


本文是一篇优秀的essay代写范文分享,题目为:The Yellow Wallpaper,这篇Essay范文主要讨论了小说《黄色壁纸》。《黄色壁纸》是美国作家夏洛特·珀金斯·吉尔曼创作的短篇小说,被称为早期女权主义的重要著作。在《黄色壁纸》中,吉尔曼描绘了叙述者的精神错乱,以此来抗议当时对妇女的医疗和职业的压迫。

The Yellow Wallpaper剧照

The Yellow Wallpaper

"The Yellow Wallpaper", published in 1892, is a short story of Charlotte Perkins Gilman which is known as an important early feminist work. Feminism can be detected through the narrator's struggling against men's central-thinking. The narrator goes mad because of her limited role in the nineteenth century society and also her inability to express herself freely. So Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote "The Yellow Wallpaper" in order to fight against men who had tried to forbid her.


In the first beginning, the narrator's struggle shows how strongly she was against men's central-thinking. So why was the narrator against men's central-thinking? To say that, firstly, the narrator is completely confined by her husband, John who had put her in a room that she obviously dislikes because it signifies a sense of imprisonment. For example: "There are hedges and walls and gates that lock, and lots of separate little houses for the gardeners and people" (Gilman 297). These are the structure of the house, which highlights the narrator's confinement. Secondly, John controls the narrator's freedom because he thought that would worsen her health. Her husband prescribes the "rest cure" and only allows her to stay at her room. The following example: "I never saw so much expression in an ... most children could find in a toy-store" (Gilman 300). Her husband always treats her like a little girl and does not allow her to use her imagination in that he though that it was not good for her health. Thirdly, the narrator tries to change her husband's mind that "what he did is good for her". She does not think that what he did is right and good for her, but instead that, it makes her feel uncomfortable. Final example: "And i know John would think it absurd. But i must say what i feel and think in some way - it is such a relief!" and " I tried to have a real earnest reasonable talk ... for i was crying before i had finished" (Gilman 302). Though he virtually loves and cares for his wife, but the way he expresses his fondness is really hypocritical. Those are some points that show narrator's freedom and confinement, which are totally controlled by her husband. So that is why the narrator really wants to fight against men's central-thinking that they are right.


Moreover, the narrator had revealed that women were judged and controlled by a patriarchal system of social order in the American 19th century. And how did the narrator reveal that? To put it into more specifically, firstly, men in the narrator's life have an advantage to dictate the way she lives her life. Men’s position in the society is always higher than that of women and men are more powerful than women in the 19th century at the same time. For instance: "If a physician of high standing, and one's own husband ... what is one to do?" (Gilman 297). Here, the powerful, the voices of her husband, also a doctor, and her brother both are strong enough to be against her. Next, women do not have the same responsibilities and rights that men have. In this case: "I sometimes fancy that in my condition if I had less ... and I confess it always makes me feel bad" (Gilman 297). She feels bad whenever she thinks about her own condition and the depression she has to face. Then, women are kept as an "object" rather than people. The 19th century views women’s role as the representation of doing all the household chores, nurturing the family, spending the life as a trophy wife and mother. In another case: "Jennie is a perfect and enthusiastic housekeeper, and hopes for no better profession. I verily believe she thinks it is the writing which made me sick!" (Gilman 300). Jennie was able to understand the narrator as a woman, but she still did not listen to the narrator while she tamed herself as a socially accepted mother and housewife. Through these evidences, the narrator is completely forced by oppression from both her marriage and the social expectations, also by the patriarchy. So that is how the narrator reveals the judgment to women by a patriarchal system of social order in American 19th century.

Eventually, narrator's ability to express her desires was absolutely restricted and limited to a certain degree. Why the narrator was being limited of her desires? To prove that, at this point, the narrator tries to tell her husband what were problems to her, but he ignores it and he does not listen and does not respect her personal desires at all. In the story, John had no respect for his wife, hence he was silencing her. Such as: "Bless her little heart. She shall be as sick as she pleases! But now ... and talk about it in the morning!" (Gilman 303). John's behaviors towards the narrator shows his unconcern for her health and happiness. Also, John refused and deterred the narrator from discovering her own self-worth. The treatment of John is not curing his mentally troubled wife, but he eventually worsens her health by separating her from the outside world. In this situation: "Out of another I get a lovely view... and good sense to check the tendency. So i try" (Gilman 299). John forces the narrator to use her imagination instead of getting outside to enjoy the view. Finally, writing is the only way the narrator can express her personal wishes rather than resistance toward her husband. Although John always forbids her to write because he thinks that might interrupt her recovery, but she still writes because: "Personally, I believe that congenial work, with excitement and change, would do me good" (Gilman 297). For this reason, she keeps writing secretly to express her feelings on the pages. According to all those points, narrator's ability to express her desires were limited by her husband and the only way she can do is to write because it can help her free her opinions and feelings.

To sum up, "The Yellow Wallpaper" of Charlotter Perkins Gilman is a story that reveals the power of social norm. It is also a successful early feminist work which demonstrates the narrator's struggling against men's central-thinking, how the narrator fell into insanity because of her limited role in the society and also shows her inability to express her opinions. Indeed, "The Yellow Wallpaper" depicts clearly the pains of Gilman's own life.



